News History

Book Launch: “From Crowds to Wilderness” by Zhou Xiaoping (周小平新书“从人群走向荒漠”发布会)

Book Launch: “From Crowds to Wilderness” by Zhou Xiaoping (周小平新书“从人群走向荒漠”发布会)

Apr 10, 20242844 months ago

Book Launch: “From Crowds to Wilderness” by Zhou Xiaoping | 周小平新书“从人群走向荒漠”发布会 Welcome to attend the book launch event of “From Crowds to Wilderness” by Zhou Xiaoping, to hear him talking about his journey from China through to his deep engagement with Aboriginal communities in Australia.  Date: Sunday 21 April 2024, 1:30PM – 3:00PM. Venue: Chinese Museum. 22 Cohen Place, Melbourne. VIC 3000 RSVP:–h-sZlE26fZErofqb2R05rLBJB-hPsr_tziICkjdUNUI3SkcwS1UzSzRNS09aMjNTUURIUjhNMy4u

Congratulations on the Successful Launch of Asian Leadership Program (祝贺“亚裔领袖计划”成功启动)

Congratulations on the Successful Launch of Asian Leadership Program (祝贺“亚裔领袖计划”成功启动)

CCCAVApr 8, 20241 min read

Congratulations on the Successful Launch of Asian Leadership Program | 祝贺“亚裔领袖计划”成功启动 为应对亚裔在澳大利亚政治中代表性不足的问题,澳大利亚亚裔领袖学院(Asian Leadership Institute Australia, ALIA)与莫纳什大学(Monash University)合作,推出颇具远见和开创性的“亚裔领袖计划”(Asian Leadership Program)。该项目已于2024年3月5日在维多利亚州议会大厦正式开幕,并成功开课。 详见: Asian Leadership Program: “亚裔领袖计划”于维州议会大厦正式开幕: 亚裔领袖计划2024班圆满开课:


University of Melbourne Researcher Seeking Participants for Research on Migration Experiences (墨尔本大学研究人员寻求参与者协助移民经历的研究)

CCCAVApr 8, 20241 min read

University of Melbourne Researcher Seeking Participants for Research on Migration Experiences | 墨尔本大学研究人员寻求参与者协助移民经历的研究 A PhD visiting scholar at the Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies, University of Melbourne, is seeking individuals…

Chinese Community Profile in Victoria, Australia (澳大利亚维多利亚州华人社区概况)

Chinese Community Profile in Victoria, Australia (澳大利亚维多利亚州华人社区概况)

CCCAVApr 2, 20241 min read

Chinese Community Profile in Victoria, Australia | 澳大利亚维多利亚州华人社区概况 据2021年人口普查数据,维州华人数量超过四十万,达427,811人。居住在莫纳什市和白马市的华人数量为前两名,分别达47,238人和44,445人。 Based on the 2021 Australian Census data, there are 427,811 people in Victoria who identify with Chinese ancestries. Among them, 171,447…

Congratulations to Mr Tony Pang OAM for Winning the 2024 Lifetime Community Service Medal (祝贺彭广明先生荣获“终身社区服务奖章”)

Congratulations to Mr Tony Pang OAM for Winning the 2024 Lifetime Community Service Medal (祝贺彭广明先生荣获“终身社区服务奖章”)

CCCAVApr 1, 20241 min read

Congratulations to Mr. Tony Pang OAM for Winning the 2024 Lifetime Community Service Medal 祝贺彭广明先生荣获“终身社区服务奖章” Ref: Multicultural NSW: The winner of the 2024 Lifetime Community Service Medal is Tony…

Learn Local: Your Goals, Your Way (在家附近就能学习新技能)

Learn Local: Your Goals, Your Way (在家附近就能学习新技能)

CCCAVMar 21, 20241 min read

Low cost “Learn Local” courses at over 200 locations across Victoria to help you learn skills for work, study and life. 在家附近就能学习新技能 Learn Local 是由维州政府注册登记并提供经费的非营利性社区组织,在维多利亚州共200多个地点设有价格低廉的 Learn Local 课程,让您灵活提升工作、学习和生活技能。 在生活或工作所在社区就近参加培训 提高阅读、写作、数学、电脑、语言等各类技能…

“Be That Teacher”: Government Encourages Individuals to Consider a Career in Teaching (澳洲政府鼓励人们从事教育职业)

“Be That Teacher”: Government Encourages Individuals to Consider a Career in Teaching (澳洲政府鼓励人们从事教育职业)

CCCAVMar 15, 20242 min read

Be That Teacher is a joint Australian, state and territory government initiative which aims to showcase the value and importance of teachers and encourages individuals to consider a career in…


Useful Information for Recent Arrivals in Australia (对最近抵达澳大利亚者有帮助的实用信息)

CCCAVMar 12, 20241 min read

Services Australia has updated the “Recently arrived in Australia? ” brochure. The “Recently arrived in Australia? ” brochure is useful for people who have recently moved to Australia. It provides…

Ms Ming Long AM Delivers the 2024 Wang Gungwu Lecture in Canberra (龙明彦女士在2024年度王庚武教授讲座上发表主旨演讲)

Ms Ming Long AM Delivers the 2024 Wang Gungwu Lecture in Canberra (龙明彦女士在2024年度王庚武教授讲座上发表主旨演讲)

CCCAVMar 2, 20242 min read

Ms Ming Long AM delivered the 2024 Wang Gungwu Lecture on 26 February 2024 at Great Hall, Australian Parliament House in Canberra. 龙明彦女士在2024年度王庚武教授讲座上发表主旨演讲。 Ms Ming Long AM is the first woman of Chinese…

Celebrate Cultural Diversity Week: 18-24 March 2024

Celebrate Cultural Diversity Week: 18-24 March 2024

CCCAVFeb 29, 20242 min read

Celebrate Cultural Diversity Week on 18-24 March 2024 Join us in celebrating Cultural Diversity Week from 18th to 24 March! This year, the Victorian Multicultural Commission invites you to embrace…