









Chinese Community Hosts Another Information Session on the Indigenous Voice Referendum (华人社区再次举办关于原住民之声公投的信息说明会)

Chinese Community Hosts Another Information Session on the Indigenous Voice Referendum (华人社区再次举办关于原住民之声公投的信息说明会)

Chinese Community Hosts Another Information Session on the Indigenous Voice Referendum As the Indigenous Voice referendum enters its final week, on Saturday 7th October 2023,…

We Are Voting YES, and We Hope You Will Too – 我们投YES,期待您也投赞成票

We Are Voting YES, and We Hope You Will Too – 我们投YES,期待您也投赞成票

CHINESE_VOTERS_POSTER_1-100Download CHINESE_VOTERS_POSTER_ENG_1-_100Download We are voting YES, and we hope you will too.我们投YES,期待您也投赞成票。 It’s time… to support the Voice for recognition, reconciliation and a better future.是时候…支持原住民之声,为了承认、和解和更美好的未来。

Will Chinese Australians Stand Up for Justice and Fairness, Again? – By Chek Ling…

Will Chinese Australians Stand Up for Justice and Fairness, Again? – By Chek Ling…

Will Chinese Australians Stand Up for Justice and Fairness, Again? 澳洲华人会再次为正义和公平而站出来吗? Chek Ling (林忠质) In 1888 Lowe Kong Meng, Cheong Cheok Hong and Louis Ah Moy took…

Upcoming Chinese Community Q&A Forum: The Voice Referendum Information Session

Upcoming Chinese Community Q&A Forum: The Voice Referendum Information Session

As the referendum day (14 October) approaches, we invite you to join us to learn more and ask questions about the Voice Referendum – 澳华社区”原住民之声”问答论坛(中英文双语).…

Speaking Out for the Voice – The Heartfelt Words of Chinese-Australian Artist Mr. Zhou…

Speaking Out for the Voice – The Heartfelt Words of Chinese-Australian Artist Mr. Zhou…

有话要说 – 走入澳洲原住民生活三十多年的华裔艺术家周小平先生的肺腑之言: Vote Yes! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5r4yLNkujdA “周小平:走入澳洲原住民生活的华裔艺术家”: https://www.abc.net.au/chinese/2023-09-22/zhou-xiaoping-and-his-life-stories-with-first-nations-people/102885546

YES for the Voice: A Chinese-Australian’s Perspective – by Chek Ling (支持原住民之声:一位华裔澳大利亚人的观点)

YES for the Voice: A Chinese-Australian’s Perspective – by Chek Ling (支持原住民之声:一位华裔澳大利亚人的观点)

YES for the Voice: A Chinese-Australian’s Perspective Chek Ling (林忠质) 1984 was a seminal year for me. Not George Orwell’s, but our own Geoffrey Blainey’s…