Chinese Community Hosts Another Information Session on the Indigenous Voice Referendum
As the Indigenous Voice referendum enters its final week, on Saturday 7th October 2023, the Chinese community in Melbourne gathered for another informative session at Box Hill Town Hall. The purpose of this event was to provide information to the Chinese community about the referendum scheduled for 14th October, answer any questions they may have, and encourage community members to make well-informed and responsible choices when casting their votes. Over 100 individuals participated in this session, which was jointly organized by the RMIT University Chinese-Australian Studies Forum and the Chinese Community Council of Australia, Victoria Chapter (CCCAV). The event was livestreamed across the country.
Mr Rueben Berg, Co-Chair of the First People’s Assembly of Victoria, opened the event with an Acknowledgement of Country and delivered an impassioned speech in support of the Voice. The keynote speakers for the event included Senator the Hon Penny Wong, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Australia; Dr Carina Garland, Federal Member for Chisholm, and Professor Sherman Young, RMIT University’s Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Education. Professor Charles Qin OAM provided excellent interpretation for their speeches.
The panellists for the event comprised a diverse group, including Mr Xiaoping Zhou, a well-known Chinese-Australian artist; Dr Jimmy Li, the President of the Chinese Community Council of Australia, Victoria Chapter; Dr Jun Fu, a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Melbourne Graduate School of Education; Ms Yue Hu, Director of Transcultural & Language Service and Narrun Wilip-giin Aboriginal Support Unit at Northern Health; and Dr. Jing Qi, Convenor of the RMIT Chinese-Australian Studies Forum. The session was ably moderated by Mr Zach Eggleston, Advisor for RMIT University International Partnerships.
At this crucial juncture in history, we strongly encourage voters from the Chinese community to make their choices based on the simple, humble, and safe referendum question itself, as well as on factual and trustworthy information. Please consider the enduring benefits of a Yes outcome of this referendum for the Aboriginal and Torres Islanders communities, our nation, our international standing and a more equitable multicultural society. This also aligns with the long-term interests of the Chinese community. Meanwhile, by demonstrating a strong sense of justice and compassion, the Chinese community will undoubtedly gain greater respect in Australian society.
Vote Yes for recognition, reconciliation, and a better future for all Australians.
(RMIT University Chinese-Australian Studies Forum and the Chinese Community Council of Australia, Victoria Chapter)
维多利亚州原住民大会联席主席Rueben Berg先生在活动开始时进行了土地致敬仪式并发表了激情澎湃的支持“原住民之声”的演讲。本次活动的特邀嘉宾包括澳大利亚外交部部长黄英贤参议员,Chisholm选区联邦众议员Carina Garland博士,以及墨尔本皇家理工大学教育副校长杨善明教授。澳大利亚勋章获得者秦潞山教授为他们的演讲提供了卓越的口译服务。
本次活动的座谈会嘉宾包括知名的华裔艺术家周小平先生;维州澳华社区委员会主席李健民博士;墨尔本大学研究生教育学院高级研究员付俊博士;北区医疗跨文化与语言服务及Narrun Wilip-giin原住民支持部门主任胡月女士;以及墨尔本皇家理工大学的澳华研究学会召集人祁静博士。墨尔本皇家理工大学国际合作顾问Zach Eggleston先生出色地主持了此次活动。