University of Melbourne Researcher Seeking Participants for Research on Migration Experiences | 墨尔本大学研究人员寻求参与者协助移民经历的研究

A PhD visiting scholar at the Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies, University of Melbourne, is seeking individuals willing to participate in interviews for a research project focusing on migration experiences. Participants must be at least 18 years old, born in mainland China, left China to Australia after December 1978, and currently working in Melbourne. Upon completion of the interview, which is expected to last 75-90 minutes, participants will receive a $50 gift card as a token of appreciation.

If interested, please contact the researcher at [email protected]

墨尔本大学当代中国研究中心的一名博士生访问学者正在寻找愿意参与关于移民经历的研究项目的个人。参与者必须年满18岁,出生于中国大陆,在1978年12月后离开中国到澳大利亚,并目前在墨尔本工作。完成预计持续75-90分钟的访谈后,参与者将获得一张价值50澳元的礼品卡作为感谢。有兴趣者请联系:[email protected]

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