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“Media Treatment of Chinese Australians a Useful Study in ‘Social Cohesion’ Debate” – by Wanning Sun

May 13, 20241902 months ago

“Media Treatment of Chinese Australians a Useful Study in ‘Social Cohesion’ Debate” by Wanning Sun 8 May 2024 Links to this article:

“Be That Teacher”: Considering Teaching as a Valuable Career Path (考虑将教育作为一条有价值的职业道路)

“Be That Teacher”: Considering Teaching as a Valuable Career Path (考虑将教育作为一条有价值的职业道路)

CCCAVMay 9, 20241 min read

“Be That Teacher”: Considering Teaching as a Valuable Career Path 八个迹象表明你适合从教 (作者:Ameya Nagarkar) 你觉得帮助别人会产生积极影响 你喜欢分享你的独特技能和你热爱的领域 你重视塑造下一代澳大利亚青少年的机会 你希望为创造一个弘扬、尊重多样性的社会尽一份力 你希望得到从专业、经济和个人角度学习和发展的机会 你喜欢工作的多样性 关于未来和人类创造力的思考使你感到兴奋 你接受这样一个观点:伟大的人才是培养出来的,而不是天生的 更多信息参见: 8-signs-that-teaching-could-be-your-calling_Simplified-ChineseDownload 8-signs-that-teaching-could-be-your-calling_EnglishDownload Why-I-said-yes-to-teaching-instead-of-engineering_Simplified-ChineseDownload Why-I-said-yes-to-teaching-instead-of-engineering_EnglishDownload

SBS Series: Australia Explained: Assisting Migrants Settling in Australia with Practical Information on Health, Jobs, Housing & More (SBS系列: 解读澳洲: 为您的在澳生活提供健康、工作、住房、教育等方面的实用信息)

SBS Series: Australia Explained: Assisting Migrants Settling in Australia with Practical Information on Health, Jobs, Housing & More (SBS系列: 解读澳洲: 为您的在澳生活提供健康、工作、住房、教育等方面的实用信息)

CCCAVMay 1, 20241 min read

SBS Series: Australia Explained: Assisting Migrants Settling in Australia with Practical Information on Health, Jobs, Housing & More | SBS系列: 解读澳洲: 为您的在澳生活提供健康、工作、住房、教育等方面的实用信息 English:; 中文: 内容: 了解原住民与土地的深刻联系 如何保障儿童的乘车安全 澳新军团日对移民意味着什么?…


Monash University: Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Appropriate Use of Psychotropic Medications in People Living with Dementia and in Residential Aged Care (莫纳什大学: 关于在脑退化症患者和寄宿制老年护理机构中适当使用精神药物的临床实践准则)

CCCAVApr 30, 20241 min read

Monash University: <Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Appropriate Use of Psychotropic Medications in People Living with Dementia and in Residential Aged Care – A companion guide for people living with…


Complete Survey to Support University of Sydney Student Research on Experiences of Chinese Australians During the COVID-19 Pandemic (填写调查问卷, 支持悉尼大学学生对澳洲华人在新冠大流行期间的经历的研究)

CCCAVApr 29, 20241 min read

Welcome to complete an online survey to support an University of Sydney student’s research on experiences of Chinese Australians during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please click on this link to complete…


Congratulations to the Museum Of Chinese in Australia (MOCA) on Receiving Significant Financial Support from the City of Sydney (祝贺澳洲华人博物馆(MOCA)获得悉尼市政府的重大财政支持)

CCCAVApr 14, 20241 min read

Congratulations to the Museum Of Chinese in Australia (MOCA) for Receiving Significant Financial from the City of Sydney 祝贺澳洲华人博物馆(MOCA)获得悉尼市政府的重大财政支持 According to a Press Release by the Museum Of Chinese in…

Murray–Darling Basin: Australia’s Largest River System (了解墨累-达令盆地: 澳大利亚最大的河流水系)

Murray–Darling Basin: Australia’s Largest River System (了解墨累-达令盆地: 澳大利亚最大的河流水系)

CCCAVApr 14, 20242 min read

Murray–Darling Basin: Australia’s Largest River System (了解墨累-达令盆地: 澳大利亚最大的河流水系) The Murray–Darling Basin, in the south-east of Australia, is Australia’s largest river system. The Basin is made up of multiple river catchments…

Understanding Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C – Information on Testing, Treatment and Care (乙型肝炎、丙型肝炎指南:检测、治疗和保持健康)

Understanding Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C – Information on Testing, Treatment and Care (乙型肝炎、丙型肝炎指南:检测、治疗和保持健康)

CCCAVApr 12, 20241 min read

Understanding Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C – Information on Testing, Treatment and Care 乙型肝炎、丙型肝炎指南:检测、治疗和保持健康 1 in 75 people in Australia are living with hepatitis B or hepatitis C, and many…

Victoria’s Single-use Plastics Ban (维多利亚州一次性塑料制品禁令)

Victoria’s Single-use Plastics Ban (维多利亚州一次性塑料制品禁令)

CCCAVApr 11, 20241 min read

维多利亚州禁止使用以下一次性塑料制品: 一次性塑料吸管和饮料搅拌棒 一次性塑料餐具 一次性塑料餐盘 一次性塑料棉签 发泡聚苯乙烯(EPS)外卖打包盒和打包杯。 该禁令适用于所有企业和组织,违规行为将受到处罚。 欲了解更多信息, 请访问:咨询热线:1800 844 946; 电子邮箱:[email protected]或请联系口笔译服务处(TIS)寻求翻译方面的帮助: 131 450 维多利亚州一次性塑料制品禁令Download

Regulations about Working on Public Holidays (澳大利亚有关公共假日上班的规定)

Regulations about Working on Public Holidays (澳大利亚有关公共假日上班的规定)

CCCAVApr 11, 20241 min read

Regulations about Working on Public Holidays | 澳大利亚有关公共假日上班的规定 公共假日 所有雇员都有权在法定公共假日期间不工作。但是,雇主可以要求雇员工作。雇员只要有合理的理由(reasonable grounds),即可拒绝这样的要求。 公共假日工资 全职和兼职雇员,如果在公共假日当日不工作,他们工资依照正常工作日工作小时数和最低工资率计算。 在公共假日期间工作的那一部分雇员,他们的工资必须依照加班和节假日补薪标准(penalty rate)计算。这是高于他们的最低工资的薪资标准。 休假期间的公共假日 正在休年假或病假中的雇员依然有权享受带薪公共假日待遇。这部分钱并不是从雇员应得的带薪假日中扣除。但是,公共假日必须适逢雇员通常需要工作的日子才能视为带薪假日。 薪资计算器: 详见: