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The Uluru Statement from the Heart 《发自肺腑的乌鲁鲁宣言》

The Uluru Statement from the Heart 《发自肺腑的乌鲁鲁宣言》

Jun 10, 20234541 year ago

Source: 2017年五月,原住民与托雷斯海峡岛民代表们齐聚乌鲁鲁,在全国原住民宪章大会上通过《发自肺腑的乌鲁鲁宣言》。这一宣言是13场和全澳大利亚原住民社区深刻对话的结晶。它呼吁以宪法形式在议会中包括原住民的声音,并开启签署条约、诉说真相的过程。宣言希望在澳洲原住民与澳大利亚国民之间,建立起以真相、正义和自决为基础的关系。音乐:Frank Yamma. Presented by Jennis Hsu. Source: SBS. 4496

The Voice Referendum Will Be Held in Late 2023 (原住民之声全民公投将于今年晚些时候举行)

The Voice Referendum Will Be Held in Late 2023 (原住民之声全民公投将于今年晚些时候举行)

CCCAVJun 9, 20232 min read

The Voice referendum will be held in late 2023. In 2017, 250 delegates from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across the country gathered and wrote the Uluru Statement from…

Multicultural Communities Support “Yes” in the Voice Referendum (多元文化社区支持原住民之声)

Multicultural Communities Support “Yes” in the Voice Referendum (多元文化社区支持原住民之声)

CCCAVJun 9, 20231 min read

A growing number of multicultural community organisations have signed up to support “Yes” in the forthcoming Voice referendum. 越来越多的多元文化社团支持原住民之声。 Multicultural Australia for Voice – Why the Voice Information SheetDownload Media…

Celebrate Dragon Boat Festival at Chinese Museum in Chinatown (欢迎来到澳华博物馆庆祝2023年端午节)

Celebrate Dragon Boat Festival at Chinese Museum in Chinatown (欢迎来到澳华博物馆庆祝2023年端午节)

CCCAVJun 8, 20231 min read

All are welcome to celebrate Dragon Boat Festival at Chinese Museum in Chinatown. Date/Time: Saturday-Sunday 24 and 25 June 2023, 10am-4pm Where: Chinese Museum. 22 Cohen Place, Chinatown, Melbourne. 45min…


Congratulations to Kim Wen (温方臣) on Becoming the President of the Rotary Club of Kew

CCCAVJun 7, 20231 min read

Congratulations to Kim Wen (温方臣) on becoming the President of the Rotary Club of Kew. Kim is the first person of Chinese heritage to be elected as the President of the…

CCCAV advocates for Safety on Public Transport

CCCAV advocates for Safety on Public Transport

CCCAVMay 25, 20231 min read

Diana Lin, Community Engagement Director at Chinese Community Council of Australia, Victoria Chapter (CCCAV), recently presents as a trusted advocate in the Safety You Can See campaign that run by…


Passing of Dr Tony Pun OAM (悼念潘瑞亮博士)

CCCAVMay 18, 20231 min read

We received the sad news that Dr. Tony Pun OAM (潘瑞亮博士) passed away last night (17 May 2023) in Sydney at the age of 77. Throughout his life, Tony was…

VLSB+C: It’s your right to ask your lawyer about your case (维州法律服务委员会及专员: 您有权向律师询问自己案件的情况)

VLSB+C: It’s your right to ask your lawyer about your case (维州法律服务委员会及专员: 您有权向律师询问自己案件的情况)

CCCAVMay 10, 20232 min read

What is the VLSB+C?The Victorian Legal Services Board and Commissioner (VLSB+C) is a group authorised by the state of Victoria to help you if you have a problem with your…


Survey Shows Majority of Chinese Australians Support the First Nations Voice (问卷调查显示:多数澳洲华人支持原住民之声)

CCCAVMay 4, 20233 min read

Chinese Community Council of Australia, Victoria Chapter (CCCAV) & Chinese Community Council of Western Australia (CCCWA) MEDIA RELEASE 4 May 2023 Survey Shows Majority of Chinese Australians Support the First…


Please Help Recycling and Reducing Waste by Filling Out a Short Survey (请填写简短问卷帮助回收和减少浪费)

CCCAVMay 3, 20231 min read

CultureVerse on behalf of Sustainability Victoria invites members from Victorian multicultural communities to share your thoughts on reducing waste and recycling by filling out this short survey (5-10 minutes) in…