News History

Chinese Community Hosts Forum to Promote Understanding and Support for the Indigenous Voice (华人社区举办论坛,促进对原住民之声的理解和支持)

Chinese Community Hosts Forum to Promote Understanding and Support for the Indigenous Voice (华人社区举办论坛,促进对原住民之声的理解和支持)

Sep 23, 202357712 months ago

23 September 2023 MEDIA RELEASE Chinese Community Hosts Forum to Promote Understanding and Support for the Indigenous Voice Shortly after the announcement of the referendum date as 14th October, on the Saturday afternoon of 9th September 2023, about seventy community members gathered at Box Hill Town Hall to participate in a community Q&A forum on the Indigenous Voice Referendum. This event was organised by the Chinese Community Council of Australia,…

Upcoming Events on the Indigenous Voice (近期原住民之声活动)

Upcoming Events on the Indigenous Voice (近期原住民之声活动)

CCCAVSep 16, 20231 min read

近期原住民之声活动, 欢迎参加: Melbourne Walk for Yes: Sunday 17 September 2023, 12:00 noon, State Library. Voice online forum by Jason Yat-Sen Li MP, Professor Peter Yu AM and Molina Asthana:…

Celebrating 2023 Mid-Autumn Moon Festival at the Chinese Museum (欢迎来到澳华博物馆庆祝中秋佳节)

Celebrating 2023 Mid-Autumn Moon Festival at the Chinese Museum (欢迎来到澳华博物馆庆祝中秋佳节)

CCCAVSep 6, 20231 min read

Celebrating 2023 Mid-Autumn Moon Festival at the Chinese Museum (欢迎来到澳华博物馆庆祝中秋佳节) 澳华博物馆将于9月30日至11月5日举行长达一个多月的活动庆祝2023年中秋佳节,欢迎参加。 More info (详见):

Indigenous Voice to Parliament Referendum Will Be Held on 14 October 2023 (“原住民之声”全民公投将于10月14日举行)

Indigenous Voice to Parliament Referendum Will Be Held on 14 October 2023 (“原住民之声”全民公投将于10月14日举行)

CCCAVSep 3, 20232 min read

Indigenous Voice to Parliament Referendum Will Be Held on 14 October 2023 为了尊重和承认原住民族,投 YES! | For Respect and Recognition of Indigenous people, Vote YES! 为了更好的效果和弥合差距,投 YES! | For Better Results…


Webinar: First-Generation PRC Migrants and Social Cohesion – Report Launch (“第一代中国大陆移民与社会凝聚力”调查报告网上发布会)

CCCAVAug 31, 20232 min read

Webinar: First-Generation PRC Migrants and Social Cohesion – Report Launch Time: Thursday 7 September 2023, 5.30pm – 6.45pm AEST. RSVP: The websinar is to launch a new research report…

Congratulations to Nicole Ta-Ei Werner (楊達伊) on Her Election as the Member for Warrandyte in the Victorian Parliament

Congratulations to Nicole Ta-Ei Werner (楊達伊) on Her Election as the Member for Warrandyte in the Victorian Parliament

CCCAVAug 31, 20231 min read

Congratulations to Nicole Ta-Ei Werner (楊達伊) on her election as the Member for Warrandyte in the Victorian Parliament. Ref:

Multicultural Framework Review Seeking Submissions from the Public (“多元文化框架评估”欢迎公众提交意见)

Multicultural Framework Review Seeking Submissions from the Public (“多元文化框架评估”欢迎公众提交意见)

CCCAVAug 29, 20232 min read

Making multicultural Australia stronger​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ The Multicultural Framework Review (the Review) is looking at ways for government and the community to work together to support a cohesive multicultural society and advance…

ABC Report: “Voice Referendum: Why I Changed from No to Yes” (“原住民之声”公投:我为什么从反对转为赞成?)

ABC Report: “Voice Referendum: Why I Changed from No to Yes” (“原住民之声”公投:我为什么从反对转为赞成?)

CCCAVAug 28, 20231 min read

ABC中文于2013年8月18日报道: “原住民之声”公投:我为什么从反对转为赞成? 4710

“Yes for the Voice: How to translate into Chinese?” by Jocelyn Chey

“Yes for the Voice: How to translate into Chinese?” by Jocelyn Chey

CCCAVAug 23, 20231 min read

“Yes for the Voice: How to translate into Chinese?” by Jocelyn Chey The Yes for the Voice campaign must work harder on a multicultural education campaign in the last weeks leading…