News History



Dec 15, 201329811 years ago

六月十六日下午,正值歡慶中國傳統的端午節期間,墨爾本市中心聯邦廣場著名的滿江紅中餐廳里高朋滿座,由澳華全國婦女會和澳華社區議會維州分會聯合舉辦的2013年跨文化端午節茶話會正在熱烈地舉行。本次會議突破了以往華人論壇的傳統習慣,改為由包括華裔社團和其他少數民族社團在一起發表演講和討論的新模式,不同背景、不同文化,不同信仰的多民族與會者在一起就大家關心的涉及婦女、家庭、老年等諸問題進行了深入的探討和介紹。是一次別開生面的跨文化聚會。 693

2013 CCCAV SGP Program Media Launch Media Release 澳華社區議會維州分定居服務計劃項目新聞

2013 CCCAV SGP Program Media Launch Media Release 澳華社區議會維州分定居服務計劃項目新聞

CCCAVNov 20, 20131 min read

The Chinese Community Council of Australia (Victorian Chapter) Incorporated (CCCAV) is an advocacy body for the Chinese community in Victoria. It also facilitates community development, assisting all Chinese descendants residing,…


Government Extends Tourist Visas for Parents of Australians 聯邦政府延長澳大利亞公民父母旅遊簽證時限

CCCAVNov 6, 20122 min read

The president of Chinese Community Council of Australia (Victorian Chapter) Dr Stanley Chiang welcomes the recent announcement of the Federal Government to grant five-year tourist visas with a 12-month stay…


Moving On – the New 21st Century Directions for the Chinese Australian Community 繼續前進 – 澳大利亞華人社區在21世紀的新方向

CCCAVAug 21, 20125 min read

[three_fifth padding=”0 20px 0 0″] The Chinese Community Council of Australia’s “Moving On” national conference was a precedent success. The organisers had to turn away last minute registrations – the…


No More a Community without Profile: The Chinese Australian community is resolved to building its public voice 向沒有公共影響的社區形象揮手作別: 澳洲華人社區決心建立公共領域統一聲音

CCCAVAug 3, 20125 min read

CCCAV launched a media release event on the 1st Aug, 2012, in the Parliament House. Over 30 media representatives and other guests, including community leaders, attended the event, which finished…


Building the Chinese Australian Voice 共建澳華之音

CCCAVAug 1, 20123 min read

The Chinese community in Australia is saying the days of being a migrant community with no public profile are numbered. It is no Chinese whisper. ’Building the Chinese Australian Voice’…


Chinese students lose confidence in night train safety 中國學生对乘坐夜班列車出行的安全失去信心

CCCAVApr 26, 20123 min read

The “Assault on students spark on-line fury” (Peter Cai & Jen Rosenberg SMH 24April2012) conjures a feeling of insecurity when travelling alone at night on our Sydney metropolitan trains. A…


Chinese history cash plan 澳洲華人據史力爭,謀求政府經濟補償

CCCAVMar 11, 20125 min read

CHINESE community leaders will ask the federal government to set up a fund that would acknowledge Australia’s history of racial discrimination against Chinese migrants. The fund is seen as an…


Exploring the China syndrome: prosperity without profile 探索中国综合症:有钱无地位

CCCAVJan 15, 20125 min read

THE kids, says Hong Lim, are doing fine. They have degrees, professions, and lots are driving a Mercedes. Life’s good. But the state Labor MP says there is something missing…


Our Work is Not Done, Victorian Chinese Voice Needs to be Heard 澳华社区工作任重道远,我们需让更多人听到维州华人的声音

CCCAVNov 28, 20113 min read

On Saturday 26 November 2011, the Chinese Community Council of Australia (Victoria Chapter) held its Annual General Meeting, hosted by one of its members 2Future Education in Box Hill. Dr…