News History
ABC and SBS Reported on Chinese Australians’ Concerns about Racism (ABC和SBS报道澳洲华人对种族歧视的担忧)
ABC and SBS Reported on Chinese Australians’ Concerns about Racism The Conversation reported on 28 March 2023: ‘The media normalises war-mongering’: how Chinese Australians respond to talk of war in mainstream media ( ABC reported on 24 March 2023: Chinese communities concerned about ‘spying‘ and ‘red alert’ report | 为什么“间谍”报道和《红色警戒》系列引发澳洲华人与媒体专家担忧?( SBS reported […]
Australia Seeks More Skilled Migrants (澳大利亚的关键行业需要海外技术移民)
Australia needs overseas workers in key sectors Australia is currently facing its largest skilled labour shortage in decades. The National Skills Commission’s 2022 Skill priority report found that in the…
CCCAV Condemns Nazi Salutes Outside Victorian Parliament House (维州澳华社区委员会谴责在维多利亚议会大厦外的纳粹手势)
MEDIA RELEASE CCCAV Condemns Nazi Salutes Outside Victorian Parliament House 21 March 2023 The news reports of a group of neo-Nazi individuals displaying Nazi salutes outside Victorian Parliament House on…
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on 21 March (3月21日是国际消除种族歧视日)
21 March each year marks the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (IDERD), sometimes referred to as ‘Harmony Day’ in Australia. ‘Harmony Week’ refers to the week within…
Churchill Fellowship Award Welcomes Applicants from Multicultural Communities (丘吉尔奖学金欢迎来自多元文化社区的申请者)
Churchill Fellowship Award Welcomes Applicants from Multicultural Communities Would you like to travel overseas for four to eight weeks to explore a topic or issue that you’re passionate about, and…
Victoria Police Warns Against Scams Targeting the Chinese-speaking Community (维州警方就针对华人群体的诈骗行为发出新的警告)
Victoria Police has just issued warnings against scams targeting the Chinese-speaking community. 维州警方提醒民众警惕针对华人群体的诈骗,详见本网页上中英文信息。
Open Letter to Daily Mail Australia Demanding Apology for and Removal of the Racially-Based Accusatory Article
Open Letter to Daily Mail Australia Demanding Apology for and Removal of the Racially-Based Accusatory Article 7 March 2023 We are writing to express our deep concern about the article…
2023 COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Dose (2023年度新冠疫苗加强针)
The 2023 COVID booster dose is available for everyone aged 18 and above from 20 February. Getting your bivalent booster dose remains the best way to prevent severe illness or hospitalisation,…
Chinese Community Organisations in Support of a First Nations Voice to Parliament Referendum (华人社团支持原住民议会之声全民公投)
The Chinese community organisations below have signed the Joint Resolution of Multicultural Community Organisations in support of a First Nations Voice to Parliament referendum ( We feel a deep sense…
Upcoming Event – Understand and Support a First Nations Voice to Parliament Referendum
Online Information Session: Understand and Support a First Nations Voice to Parliament Referendum Leading Guest Speakers: Date and time: Thu., 16 March 2023, 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm AEDT Location:…