What is the VLSB+C?
The Victorian Legal Services Board and Commissioner (VLSB+C) is a group authorised by the state of Victoria to help you if you have a problem with your lawyer. Asking your lawyer questions can help you to understand the legal process, create a better partnership, and get the best outcome.

It is your lawyer’s responsibility to:

  • Keep your information confidential (private).
    • Ask your lawyer: How will you make sure my information stays confidential (private)?
  • Make sure your legal needs come first, not theirs or other people’s.
    • Ask your lawyer: How will you act in my best interests?
  • Have no conflict of interest.
    • Ask your lawyer: Have you or any other lawyer that works with you ever helped someone that is connected to my case?

To find information in your preferred language:

  1. Visit the VLSB+C website: https://yourrighttoask.vic.gov.au
  2. Click on the ‘Translate’ button, then select the “文/A” icon and choose your preferred language.

If you want more information in your preferred language, please dial TIS National on 131 450 and speak to one of their friendly team members. They can connect you with an interpreter to speak to the VLSB+C.

Chinese version:

什么是 VLSB+C?


  • 对您的资料保密(绝不外泄)。
    • 询问您的律师:您将如何确保对我的资料保密(绝不外泄)?
  • 确保把您的法律需求放在首位,而不是他们或其他人的需求。
    • 询问您的律师:你们将如何捍卫我的最大利益?
  • 没有利益冲突。
    • 询问您的律师:你们或其他你们合作过的律师是否曾经帮助过与我案件相关的人?


  1. 请浏览VLSB+C网站: https://yourrighttoask.vic.gov.au
  2. 点击“Translate”按钮,然后选择“文/A”图标,选择您熟悉的语言。

如果您想用自己熟悉的语言获取更多信息,请拨打TIS National电话131 450,咨询他们友善的工作人员。 他们可以为您联系一名口译员,便于您与VLSB+C交谈。

Categories: Community News