News History
ABC Report: “Voice Referendum: Why I Changed from No to Yes” (“原住民之声”公投:我为什么从反对转为赞成?)
ABC中文于2013年8月18日报道: “原住民之声”公投:我为什么从反对转为赞成?
“Yes for the Voice: How to translate into Chinese?” by Jocelyn Chey
“Yes for the Voice: How to translate into Chinese?” by Jocelyn Chey The Yes for the Voice campaign must work harder on a multicultural education campaign in the last weeks leading…
Community Q&A Forum: Understand the Voice Referendum on 9 September 2023 (澳华社区”原住民之声”问答论坛(中英文双语)即将在博士山市政厅举行)
Join us to hear more and ask questions about the upcoming Voice Referendum – 澳华社区”原住民之声”问答论坛(中英文双语) Guest speakers: This forum is jointly organised by the Chinese Community Council of Australia, Victoria…
Cancelled: Upcoming Event – Multicultural Australia for the Voice Referendum: Q&A Forum on 2 September 2023 (多元文化社区“原住民之声”问答论坛即将举行)
21/08/2023: This event has been cancelled due to the unavailability of a key speaker. “Multicultural Australia for the Voice” invites you to a Q&A Forum about the Voice for an…
University of Melbourne Research Group Seeking Participants in Study on Understanding Health Decision-making in Australian Chinese Families (墨尔本大学研究团队寻求参与者协助关于澳大利亚华人家庭健康决策的研究)
A research group from the University of Melbourne is currently conducting a study on understanding health decision-making in Australian Chinese families. Their research is funded by Australia’s National Health and…
ABC Report: Government revises Chinese translation of referendum question after community raises concerns
The government website has updated their official translation of “First Peoples” in the referendum question from “第一民族” to “原住民族” after the Chinese community raised concerns about the original translation, ABC reported on…
Recycling for a Better Future (共同努力, 回收利用, 保护环境, 共创未来)
Recycling for a Better Future (共同努力, 回收利用, 保护环境, 共创未来)
Members of Chinese and Multicultural Communities Gathered to Show Support for the First Nations Voice to Parliament (澳洲华人和多元文化社区“原住民之声”论坛成功举行)
25 July 2023 MEDIA RELEASE Members of Chinese and Multicultural Communities Gathered to Show Support for the First Nations Voice to Parliament On the sunny Saturday afternoon of 22 July…
A Life Changing Life: Join the Care and Support Sector (改变人生的事业:护理和援助行业正虚位以待)
The care and support sector is the fastest-growing sector in Australia right now. With the growth of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and Australia’s ageing population, there are plenty…
Upcoming Event – Multicultural Community Forum: Understand and Support a First Nations Voice to Parliament
Let’s come together at the Multicultural Community Forum on 22 July 2023, to learn about and support the First Nations Voice to Parliament. You are cordially invited to attend this…