News History


Useful Information for Recent Arrivals in Australia (对最近抵达澳大利亚者有帮助的实用信息)

Mar 12, 20243536 months ago

Services Australia has updated the “Recently arrived in Australia? ” brochure. The “Recently arrived in Australia? ” brochure is useful for people who have recently moved to Australia. It provides helpful information about: health services – Medicare, My Health Record and Reciprocal Health Care Agreements payments and obligations refugee services language support – in-language resources, interpreters and document translation and Multilingual Phone Service 131 202 online options for people to…

Ms Ming Long AM Delivers the 2024 Wang Gungwu Lecture in Canberra (龙明彦女士在2024年度王庚武教授讲座上发表主旨演讲)

Ms Ming Long AM Delivers the 2024 Wang Gungwu Lecture in Canberra (龙明彦女士在2024年度王庚武教授讲座上发表主旨演讲)

CCCAVMar 2, 20242 min read

Ms Ming Long AM delivered the 2024 Wang Gungwu Lecture on 26 February 2024 at Great Hall, Australian Parliament House in Canberra. 龙明彦女士在2024年度王庚武教授讲座上发表主旨演讲。 Ms Ming Long AM is the first woman of Chinese…

Celebrate Cultural Diversity Week: 18-24 March 2024

Celebrate Cultural Diversity Week: 18-24 March 2024

CCCAVFeb 29, 20242 min read

Celebrate Cultural Diversity Week on 18-24 March 2024 Join us in celebrating Cultural Diversity Week from 18th to 24 March! This year, the Victorian Multicultural Commission invites you to embrace…

Congratulations to the Asian Australian Volunteers (AAV) for Their Recognition as One of the Finalists in the 2023 Victorian Volunteering Awards (祝贺澳亚志愿者协会入围2023维州志愿者奖)

Congratulations to the Asian Australian Volunteers (AAV) for Their Recognition as One of the Finalists in the 2023 Victorian Volunteering Awards (祝贺澳亚志愿者协会入围2023维州志愿者奖)

CCCAVFeb 27, 20242 min read

Congratulations to the Asian Australian Volunteers (AAV) for Their Recognition as One of the Finalists in the 2023 Victorian Volunteering Awards in the “Grassroots Volunteering Award” Category The 2023 Volunteering…

Congratulations to Mr Gavin Choong (钟颖华先生) for Being Appointed as Australia’s 2024 Youth Representative to the United Nations

Congratulations to Mr Gavin Choong (钟颖华先生) for Being Appointed as Australia’s 2024 Youth Representative to the United Nations

CCCAVFeb 22, 20241 min read

Congratulations to Mr Gavin Choong (钟颖华先生) for Being Appointed as Australia’s 2024 Youth Representative to the United Nations! Ref:;

“Revive and Thrive” – MFF (Melbourne Fashion Festival) Independent Runway

“Revive and Thrive” – MFF (Melbourne Fashion Festival) Independent Runway

CCCAVFeb 21, 20243 min read

“Revive and Thrive” A Mesmerizing Independent Runway from Series Four (RMIT COHORT) RMIT CohortArtists RMIT Cohort! Aboriginal Artist Cassie Fisher-Patterson, Digital Artist and Creative Director Lucius Sung Myeong Ha, Nic…

Détente: Towards a Balance of Power between the USA and China (缓和:迈向美、中之间的力量平衡) – By Bob Carr, Gareth Evans and 50 Australian Signatories

Détente: Towards a Balance of Power between the USA and China (缓和:迈向美、中之间的力量平衡) – By Bob Carr, Gareth Evans and 50 Australian Signatories

CCCAVFeb 4, 20247 min read

Détente: Towards a Balance of Power between the USA and China By Bob Carr, Gareth Evans and 50 Australian Signatories 31 January 2024 Posted with permission. The original article can be viewed at:…

Anti-Vilification and Anti-Racism Survey (参与匿名问卷调查,分享您的经历,减少种族歧视)

Anti-Vilification and Anti-Racism Survey (参与匿名问卷调查,分享您的经历,减少种族歧视)

CCCAVJan 30, 20241 min read

Anti-Vilification and Anti-Racism Survey The Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission is conducting an anonymous survey (takes 15-20 minutes) about experiences of racism in the community. Sharing your experiences…

Successful Launch of Australia Chinese Peace Statue Project in Melbourne (澳洲中国和平铜像项目启动会在墨尔本成功举行)

Successful Launch of Australia Chinese Peace Statue Project in Melbourne (澳洲中国和平铜像项目启动会在墨尔本成功举行)

CCCAVJan 29, 20243 min read

Successful Launch of Australia Chinese Peace Statue Project in Melbourne 澳洲中国和平铜像项目启动会在墨尔本成功举行 2024年1月20日星期六下午,墨尔本的夏日清爽宜人,约70位华人社区和韩裔社区的成员聚集在维州韩人协会会所,参加澳洲(墨尔本)中国和平铜像项目启动会。此项目由澳洲华人和平协会发起和主办,寻求社区支持,计划在墨尔本已建的韩国和平少女铜像旁边竖立一座中国的和平少女铜像,以铭记历史、祈求世界永久和平,纪念二战中遭受日军凌辱、受尽苦难的中国、朝鲜半岛及东南亚地区的所有亚洲和欧裔女性。 启动会由资深媒体人乔子龙先生主持。丹凤朝阳舞团一曲凄凉悲壮的“松花江上”的合唱和表演把人们带回那个在日军铁蹄下人们流离失所、四处逃亡的战争年代。 接着,Friends of “Comfort Women” in Melbourne (FCWM) 的前委员长Mr Chun Je Cho顾问致欢迎辞。他提到,韩国和平少女铜像是在五年前在三百多名韩国社区人士的支持和赞助下建立起来的。他表示,为什么要联合起来建立和平少女像、为什么要铭记惨痛的历史,似乎无需多言。我们应该共同行动,防止再次发生战争性奴隶之类的悲剧。他鼓励与会者,指出世上没有容易的事,但只要我们怀有这样的热情,持之以恒,我们就能够实现。We can do it! 接下来,澳洲华人和平协会会长李健民博士通过视频和PPT介绍了二战期间“慰安妇”的历史和阐述了澳大利亚中国和平铜像项目的缘起、意义和筹建过程。“慰安妇”制度特指1932-1945年间,日本帝国为日本军队配备军事性奴隶的制度。数十万中国、朝鲜半岛、东南亚等地的少女和妇女被逼为日军性奴隶,遭受惨绝人寰的虐待与死亡的威胁,有些甚至被杀害。这是近代以来世界女性历史上最为惨痛的记忆。该项目源于韩国首尔和中国上海各有两座并排而坐的中韩和平雕像,而墨尔本已经有一座韩国和平雕像。如果在墨尔本的韩国和平雕像旁竖立一座中国和平雕像,将形成世界南北半球三大城市各有两座并排而坐的中韩和平铜像。这不仅将为后人留下深远的历史记忆,更将为和平发声,象征着不同国家间的友好合作,以及共同致力于维护全球和平的决心。 在项目介绍之后,李健民博士代表澳洲华人和平协会向目前已经为中国和平铜像捐助的个人和社团颁发感谢状,并希望大家为了不能忘却的纪念、为了实现一个和平、无暴力的世界,继续支持和推广中国和平铜像的项目。 接着,Friends…

Congratulations to Australia Day 2024 Honours Recipients with Chinese Heritage (祝賀華裔獲頒2024年澳洲日勳銜)

Congratulations to Australia Day 2024 Honours Recipients with Chinese Heritage (祝賀華裔獲頒2024年澳洲日勳銜)

CCCAVJan 26, 20241 min read

Congratulations to Australia Day 2022 Honours Recipients with Chinese Heritage 祝贺華裔獲頒2024年澳洲日勳銜 華裔藝術家李林迪(Lindy Lee)因其多年來在文藝界的卓越貢獻而獲政府頒授澳洲官佐勳章(AO) 墨爾本大學傑出教授陳德立(Deli Chen)因其在永續農業研究、澳中關係等方面的貢獻而獲得澳洲官佐勳章(AO) 急症科醫生朱偉治(Matthew Chu)因對急救醫學發展有卓越貢獻而獲得澳洲員佐勳章(AM) 活躍於雪梨華人社區的彭廣明(Anthony Pang)因其三十年如一日的奉獻而授予澳洲勳位勳章(OAM) 致力義務和慈善工作的墨爾本社區服務人士郭士蘭(Joanne Kwok)獲頒澳洲勳位勳章(OAM) 布里斯本商人Eddie Chung因在社會福利機構的貢獻而獲得政府頒發澳洲勳位勳章(OAM) 澳洲陸軍中校Meng Wang獲頒顯赫獎章(Conspicuous Awards) 澳洲陸軍准尉Damien Mark Cheung獲頒顯赫獎章 北雪梨地方衛生區的職業治療師Emma…