Upcoming Chinese-Australian Community Forum on Multicultural Framework Review

- 时间: 2024年9月7日周六11-14点
- 地点: RMIT大学80号楼8层:80.08.010
本次论坛将以普通话和粤语为主要语言。含午餐(请务必注册)。请发邮件至: [email protected]
Australia’s multiculturalism is a national asset, and Chinese communities in Australia have been playing a crucial role in enhancing this diversity. The recently released final report of the Multicultural Framework Review, entitled Towards Fairness: A Multicultural Australia for All, provides recommendations on the institutional, legislative and policy adjustments required to support and advance the multicultural landscape in Australia. As the recommendations address both current and future needs, in this workshop, we invite members from the Chinese communities in Australia to discuss and provide feedback on these recommendations.
Organised by:
- RMIT Chinese-Australian Studies Forum 皇家墨尔本理工大学澳华研究学会
- School of Culture and Communication, University of Melbourne 墨尔本大学文化传播学院
- Faculty of Education, University of Melbourne 墨尔本大学教育学院