News History


Our Work is Not Done, Victorian Chinese Voice Needs to be Heard 澳华社区工作任重道远,我们需让更多人听到维州华人的声音

Nov 28, 201129013 years ago

On Saturday 26 November 2011, the Chinese Community Council of Australia (Victoria Chapter) held its Annual General Meeting, hosted by one of its members 2Future Education in Box Hill. Dr Stanley Chiang, President of the CCCAV, reported that 2010/11 was all about consolidation and contribution. “CCCAV stepped up its engagement with Victoria’s Chinese community and the wider community through a wide range of activities ranging from media engagement, the hosting…


New Castle University Urged to Rethink Chinese Programs 纽卡索大学准备缩减中文课程

CCCAVNov 2, 20113 min read

Dr Anthony Pun, National President of Chinese Community Council of Australia (CCCA) is urging Professor Caroline McMillen, the Vice-Chancellor of Newcastle University to rethink and reassess its decision to reduce…


CCCAV Congradulates VMC New Commissioners 祝贺维州多元文化委员会新专员上任

CCCAVAug 26, 20112 min read

On Thursday 25 August 2011, the Minister for Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship, the Hon Nick Kotsiras MP announced the appointment of new Commissioners to the Victorian Multicultural Commission (VMC). Wesa…


Parliament House Visit for Chinese Community Leaders 华人社区领袖齐聚维州议会大厦

CCCAVAug 18, 20112 min read

[three_fifth padding=”0px 20px 0 0″] More than 50 members from various Victorian Chinese community organisations attended an afternoon gathering at the Parliament House of Victoria on Thursday the 18th of…


CCCA National Conference: Finding the Chinese Australian Voice 澳华社区议会大会-探寻澳洲华人的声音

CCCAVApr 12, 20114 min read

[three_fifth padding=”0 20px 0 0″] Finding the Chinese Australian Voice How will Chinese Australians have a voice in redesignating the “Lambing Flat Riots” in our National History Curriculum? For the…


Coalition Government Needs to Take Cultural Diversity Forward 自由党联合政府需要推动多元文化前进

CCCAVMar 12, 20113 min read

Wei Shen, Secretary and Spokesperson for the Chinese Community Council of Australia (Victoria Chapter) (CCCAV) urged the Coalition Government to propose and put forward a long term strategic plan rather…


CCCAVic Annual General Meeting 2010 澳華社區議會維多利亞州分部年度大會

CCCAVSep 18, 20101 min read

[three_fifth padding=”0 20px 0 0″] [/three_fifth] [three_fifth padding=”0 20px 0 0″]   Download PDF 101128_AGM [/three_fifth]


CCCAVic Meets with Police About the Death of a Chinese Man Under Police Custody . 澳華社區議會維州分部與維州警局會面了解華人死亡事件調查進展

CCCAVJun 17, 20102 min read

[three_fifth padding=”0 20px 0 0″] 澳華社區議會維州分部(CCCAV)於八月十日(上週二)在維州警局總部(Victoria Police Headquarters)與警局代表會談,了解華人在警局死亡一案的進展。 維州警局總部的阿什利•迪肯森(Ashley Dickenson)指揮官(Commander)及警局的多元文化小組分負責人瑪麗•皮爾(Marie Piu) 女士會見了澳華社區議會維州分部蔣天麟會長一行。 五月十二日週四,一名因醉酒而被單迪農(Dandenong)警方拘留的華裔男子,由於身體疼痛難忍向警方求助。警方長時間無視請求,最終導致他第二天在醫院死亡。 事件於五月二十四日見報後,澳華社區議會維州分部表示密切關注。維州分部會長蔣天麟醫生表示, 警方這種行為是絕對不能容忍的。澳華社區議會維州分部顧問委員會主席,維州議會議員林美豐於五月二十五日維州議會的議員發言時間,強烈譴責警方無視生命的行為,並督促進行嚴肅徹底的調查,還死者妻女真相和正義。澳華社區議會維州分部一直嘗試與警方會面和對話,了解更多進展。 八月十日的警局總部會談持續了一個多小時,澳華社區議會維州分部表示,作為維護澳洲華人利益的社區組織,澳華社區議會維州分部理應得到一個開誠佈公的答复。 警方表示,目前案件由命案調查組蒐集各方證據及口供,然後提交驗屍官。警方願意隨時將調查進展照會澳華社區議會維州分部。因拘留而在警局死亡的同類事件,以往就有兩三例;而根據警方估計,此案件最終調查結果出來可能需要幾個月到半年時間。 在蔣會長詢問下,警方表示,如果死者家屬同意,可以將聯絡信息告知澳華社區議會維州分部,分部可代表華人社區向死者家屬提供慰問或協助。 分部也向警方諮詢,由於語言和文化的差異,相比澳洲其他社區例如猶太社區, 在澳華人與警方之間的溝通與合作相對薄弱,警方有沒有措施來增進彼此溝通?警方表示,目前正在各大校園做吸納警員的宣傳活動,非常願意更多華人青年加入警隊,增加華人在警隊的比重;同時,警方也希望通過信息介紹會等方式增進與華人社區的溝通。 澳華社區議會維州分部曾於今年六月九日在維州議會大廈召開的每月常務會議上,為揭露警方玩忽職守而導致華人男子死亡事件的華語口譯員JJ (化名) 頒發了“澳華社區議會維州分部感謝證書”,對其勇於揭露真相的行為表示嘉獎和鼓勵。 [/three_fifth] [two_fifth_last] CCCAV praise interpreter for breaking…


These are Your Rights! 工伤保险离我们的生活有多远

CCCAVMar 12, 20101 min read

[three_fifth padding=”0 20px 0 0″] 工伤保险, 对很多华人移民来说可能是个比较陌生的名词,或者说我们总认为这是一个离我们生活很远的东西, 其实不然。 近年来,越来越多的华人移民来到澳洲开始新的工作开创新的生活。我们也越来越多的看到好多同胞中发生的跟工作有关的意外事故,但是却由于不太理解工伤保险的相关程序而没有得到相应的赔偿和保障,让人备感痛心。哪些情况可以定义为工伤,哪些人可以提请工伤赔偿,怎样提出工伤赔偿申请,申请人可以获得哪些应得的赔偿和保障, 如何得到工资补偿和医疗费用的报销?为了解决以上疑问,维州澳华社区议会维州分部特别邀请到了工伤保险部部长Tim Holding先生和来自Maurice & Blackburn Solicitors律师事务所的Liberty Sanger律师为您带来一场精彩的信息介绍会。 The Chinese Community Council of Australia (Victoria Chapter) is pleased to host this free one…


Asian language study lagging in Australia

CCCAVMay 5, 20091 min read

PM – Tuesday, 5 May , 2009  18:46:00 Reporter: Jeff Waters MARK COLVIN: Leading business, union and academic bodies have formed a new alliance to promote Asian language and cultural studies…