News History
Opinion: Caged community (by Kingsley Liu)
Caged community (by Kingsley Liu) The Lowy Institute’s latest report, “Lines Blurred: Chinese Community Organisations in Australia”, does more to fence in the Chinese community than it does to liberate them from suspicion and institutional bias for which there is no end in sight.
Learning across working life – ARC funded research
We are hoping you can help us on a survey that is part of an Australian Research Council grant on adults’ learning across working life. As you are aware, with…
CCCAV is acknowledged by the State government in the contribution to the Victoria vaccine program
We are pleased to see that CCCAV is mentioned in the list of organisations for contributing to the Victoria vaccination program in a state wide celebration “Vaccine Ambassador Summit” this…
#vaccine #COVID-19 CCCAV疫苗推广的第二支视频正式推出 本项目由维州澳华社区委员会发起,并受到维多利亚州卫生部资助。本项目的目标是更好地提升华人社区疫苗接种率。
Survey Reveals High COVID-19 Vaccination Rate in Victorian Chinese Community A recent survey conducted by the Chinese Community Council of Australia (Victoria Chapter) reveals high COVID-19 vaccination rate in the…
一个可以去远方看看的世界A world you can travel far away 一个可以和朋友吃早茶的世界A world you can go have a brunch with friends 一个可以和家人团聚的世界A world families can reunite 希望我的宝贝成长在这样的世界Wish my baby will grow up in such…
COVID-19 Vaccination Survey in Chinese Community at Victoria 本项目由维州澳华社区委员会发起,并受到维多利亚州卫生部资助。本项目的目标是更好地提升华人社区疫苗接种率。 **问卷回答无对错之分,您可以选择匿名提交问卷。填写问卷耗时约1分钟。 现居住于维多利亚州的华人才可以填写本调查问卷。 您的协助对于我们提升疫苗接种率无比重要。衷心感谢您的配合。 This project is initiated by Chinese Community Council of Australia Victoria Chapter. It is also funded by the…
Chinese-Australian Community in Challenging Times
Chinese-Australian Community in Challenging Times Chinese-Australians are committed to the ongoing values of equality, prosperity and security, shared by all Australians, regardless of their ethnicity or background. This was the…
Speech by Marion Lau OAM
Speech by Marion Lau OAM at Chinese Community COVID-19 Vaccination Information Session 3 June 2021 This meeting is taking place on the land of diverse groups of traditional custodians across…
Seeking Participants in Research on COVID-19 Related Racism
HAVE YOU EXPERIENCED COVID-19 RELATED RACISM? If you: are Chinese Australian over the age of 18.have experienced COVID-19 related racism in Melbourne (or surrounding areas).are comfortable sharing your story.I am…