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CCCAV Condemns Nazi Salutes Outside Victorian Parliament House (维州澳华社区委员会谴责在维多利亚议会大厦外的纳粹手势)

Mar 21, 20233452 years ago

MEDIA RELEASE CCCAV Condemns Nazi Salutes Outside Victorian Parliament House 21 March 2023 The news reports of a group of neo-Nazi individuals displaying Nazi salutes outside Victorian Parliament House on Saturday 18 March 2023 deeply disturbed and appalled us. We strongly condemn this behaviour, which aimed to degrade, instill fear in and incite hatred towards our LGBTIQA+ and Jewish communities. We support the call for the Victorian government to ban…

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on 21 March (3月21日是国际消除种族歧视日)

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on 21 March (3月21日是国际消除种族歧视日)

CCCAVMar 14, 20231 min read

21 March each year marks the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (IDERD), sometimes referred to as ‘Harmony Day’ in Australia. ‘Harmony Week’ refers to the week within…

Churchill Fellowship Award Welcomes Applicants from Multicultural Communities (丘吉尔奖学金欢迎来自多元文化社区的申请者)

Churchill Fellowship Award Welcomes Applicants from Multicultural Communities (丘吉尔奖学金欢迎来自多元文化社区的申请者)

CCCAVMar 12, 20232 min read

Churchill Fellowship Award Welcomes Applicants from Multicultural Communities Would you like to travel overseas for four to eight weeks to explore a topic or issue that you’re passionate about, and…


Victoria Police Warns Against Scams Targeting the Chinese-speaking Community (维州警方就针对华人群体的诈骗行为发出新的警告)

CCCAVMar 10, 20232 min read

Victoria Police has just issued warnings against scams targeting the Chinese-speaking community. 维州警方提醒民众警惕针对华人群体的诈骗,详见如下中英文信息。 维州警方就针对华人群体的诈骗行为发出新的警告 诈骗犯在全球范围运作,其中也包括维州。这些诈骗行为包括:• 通过电话留言或社交网络(比如微信,WhatsApp )留下事先录好中文录音• 录音中告诉受害者他们扣押了受害者的包裹• 威胁要求转账大笔资金• 通过虚构绑架来敲诈勒索• 威胁将受害者遣送或者拘捕 维州警方最早于2017年7月收到此类报案。但是发现诈骗犯现在有用一些令人不安的新手段。其中包括指使受害人录下自己的性录像以用来进一步的敲诈勒索受害人。 诈骗犯是如何行骗的? 尽管此类诈骗细节有所不同但是有一个共同点就是通过事先录好的电话信息告诉受害者他们扣押了受害者的包裹。 当受害者接了这个电话后就会被转到一个所谓的快递公司告诉他们这个包裹上有受害者的名字,被扣押了可能因为是有牵涉违法物件。 受害者然后会受到号称是中国官方机构人员的威胁,并要求他们转帐大量资金以用来防止受害人或者他们的家属被遣返或者起诉。 诈骗犯然后会要求受害者把钱转到指定银行。大多数这些银行都是海外银行。 在2018年,警方发现诈骗犯指示受害者制造虚构绑架以用来敲诈受害者家属钱财。 然而在最近警方发现诈骗犯要求受害者:•录下性视频•去贷款,使用个人存款,或者购买比特币转到海外银行账户 另一些危险信号包括诈骗犯要求受害者开启视频聊天功能或者去当地警局以博取信任。然而诈骗犯随后会以种种借口不与受害者见面。…


Open Letter to Daily Mail Australia Demanding Apology for and Removal of the Racially-Based Accusatory Article

CCCAVMar 7, 20235 min read

Open Letter to Daily Mail Australia Demanding Apology for and Removal of the Racially-Based Accusatory Article 7 March 2023 We are writing to express our deep concern about the article…

2023 COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Dose (2023年度新冠疫苗加强针)

2023 COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Dose (2023年度新冠疫苗加强针)

CCCAVMar 3, 20233 min read

The 2023 COVID booster dose is available for everyone aged 18 and above from 20 February.  Getting your bivalent booster dose remains the best way to prevent severe illness or hospitalisation,…


Chinese Community Organisations in Support of a First Nations Voice to Parliament Referendum (华人社团支持原住民议会之声全民公投)

CCCAVFeb 24, 20233 min read

The Chinese community organisations below have signed the Joint Resolution of Multicultural Community Organisations in support of a First Nations Voice to Parliament referendum ( We feel a deep sense…

Upcoming Event – Understand and Support a First Nations Voice to Parliament Referendum

Upcoming Event – Understand and Support a First Nations Voice to Parliament Referendum

CCCAVFeb 15, 20231 min read

Online Information Session: Understand and Support a First Nations Voice to Parliament Referendum Leading Guest Speakers: Dr Shireen Morris – Director of the Radical Centre Reform Lab and a Senior…

Monash University Research Team Seeking Chinese Participants for Study on Culturally Informed Treatment for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) 蒙纳士大学科研团队寻求华人协助关于创伤后应激障碍的研究

Monash University Research Team Seeking Chinese Participants for Study on Culturally Informed Treatment for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) 蒙纳士大学科研团队寻求华人协助关于创伤后应激障碍的研究

CCCAVJan 31, 20232 min read

A research team at Monash University Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health is funded by the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) to conduct a study and…

Multicultural Health Connect 1800 186 815 (打电话获取专业健康信息)

Multicultural Health Connect 1800 186 815 (打电话获取专业健康信息)

CCCAVJan 25, 20232 min read

Multicultural Health Connect Healthdirect Australia has launched a new helpline – Multicultural Health Connect – the first national helpline to help people in multicultural communities get health information and advice. The helpline is free…