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Free Skills Assessment Opportunities for Migrants Pilot (澳洲政府为居澳有关签证持有者提供免费的技能评估试点)

Dec 2, 202340110 months ago

The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations is providing free Skills Assessments to eligible visa holders. For more information, please visit: 澳洲政府正在为居澳有关签证持有者提供免费和快速的技能评估。如果您符合以下条件,则可能可以申请技能评估: 有技能、经验和/或者有符合条件的职业的资质 未做过您所选择的职业的技能评估 以符合条件的家庭、伴侣、难民或人道主义签证居住在澳大利亚,并且您的签证是在2016年1月1日或之后签发的。 详见: 免费和快速的技能评估-2169-Skills-Assessment-Pilots-Approved-MO-Pilot-2-Fact-Sheet_04_zho-CNDownload


Chinese Australians for Peace Association Officially Launched in Melbourne (共铸和平, 澳洲华人和平协会在墨尔本正式成立)

CCCAVNov 29, 20231 min read

共铸和平,澳洲华人和平协会在墨尔本正式成立 2023年11月11日下午,墨尔本博士山公园,清风如许,绿草如茵。一群相约而来的华人,聚集在这里,在简朴而隆重的气氛中,开会成立了“澳洲华人和平协会(CAPA)”。 该协会旨在铭记历史,倡导和平与和谐,促进社会凝聚,为世界和平和建设一个和谐的澳洲社会做出我们华人应有的贡献。 澳洲华人和平协会成立大会当天是Remembrance Day(纪念日)。这个纪念日的设立是为了纪念两次世界大战及其他军事冲突中阵亡的军人,同时警示世人战争之残酷和提醒世人和平之珍贵。参会者肃穆地站在英雄纪念碑前,鞠躬致敬,将鲜花轻轻摆放在纪念碑下,并默哀一分钟,以表达对逝者深深的怀念与敬意。在这静穆的氛围中,我们深感和平的来之不易。 成立大会按照事先公布的议程有序进行。在通过有关协会名称、宗旨和章程的动议后,大会推举黄河先生担任独立监票人,负责主持理事会选举过程。大会成功选举出由八位理事组成的首届协会理事会。他们是李健民、黄斌、朴雪花、刘晓宁、陈瑶、凌雪殷(南澳)、张蓓、梁伟球。大会同时选举李健民博士为会长、黄斌博士为副会长、刘晓宁女士为秘书长、朴雪花女士为财长。 接下来,与会者纷纷发言,表达了对和平的拳拳之心以及为和平而努力的殷殷之望。 最后,李健民会长作了总结发言。他首先衷心感谢各位的参与,和为协会的成立所作出的各项辛勤努力。他强调协会将紧紧围绕协会的宗旨开展各项活动,倡导大家合作互补,充分发挥团队的力量,加强与社区的联系,共同为铭记历史、促进和平而努力。 我们欢迎各界热爱和平、认同本协会宗旨之人士加盟,共囊和平之举。有意参会者请发邮件至协会邮箱或与协会理事联系。 (澳洲华人和平协会 – [email protected]

Deakin University Researchers Seek Chinese Australian Participants in Research on the Digital Experiences of Migrant Families (迪肯大学研究人员寻求华人参与研究移民家庭在日常生活中如何应用数字科技)

Deakin University Researchers Seek Chinese Australian Participants in Research on the Digital Experiences of Migrant Families (迪肯大学研究人员寻求华人参与研究移民家庭在日常生活中如何应用数字科技)

CCCAVNov 21, 20231 min read

Deakin University researchers seek Chinese Australian participants to help a research project on the digital experiences of migrant families. It will take about 15 minutes to complete the survey. 如果您是来自中国的第一代移民,居住在维多利亚州,并负责照顾0-8岁的孩子,欢迎填写一份线上问卷(仅需15分钟),以协助研究移民家庭在日常生活中如何使用数字科技。…

New Victorian Law to Improve Mental Health and Wellbeing Services (维多利亚州出台新法律以改善心理健康与福祉服务)

New Victorian Law to Improve Mental Health and Wellbeing Services (维多利亚州出台新法律以改善心理健康与福祉服务)

CCCAVNov 15, 20231 min read

The Mental Health and Wellbeing Act 2022 aims to improve mental health and wellbeing services for all Victorians. The new Act has important changes for people receiving mental health and wellbeing treatment,…

“I wouldn’t start from here”: Advice on Australia-China Relations – By Jocelyn Chey (“我不会从这里开始”:关于澳中关系的建议 – 梅卓琳)

“I wouldn’t start from here”: Advice on Australia-China Relations – By Jocelyn Chey (“我不会从这里开始”:关于澳中关系的建议 – 梅卓琳)

CCCAVNov 4, 20235 min read

“I wouldn’t start from here”: Advice on Australia-China relations By Jocelyn Chey 13 October 2023 The original article can be viewed at: Engaging China: How Australia can lead the…


Seeking a Chinese Speaker from Geelong to Join a Focus Group about Major Road Projects Victoria (寻求一位来自Geelong地区的讲中文的人士参加维州主要道路项目的征求意见会)

CCCAVNov 3, 20231 min read

Ethnolink Community Engagement is seeking a Chinese (Mandarin) speaker from Geelong to join a focus group about Major Road Projects Victoria. The focus group will be 90-minutes long and conducted…


2023-24 Multicultural Community Infrastructure Fund Opens for Applications (2023-24 多元文化社区基础设施基金开放申请)

CCCAVNov 2, 20232 min read

Multicultural Community Infrastructure Fund Opens for Applications Applications close on Wednesday 6 December 2023 at 3pm. To apply: Up to $400,000 in funding is available for community organisations to…

Transport Accident Commission Reminds Motorcyclists to Protect Body and Exercise Caution on the Road (交通事故委员会提醒摩托车手保护身体、谨慎骑行)

Transport Accident Commission Reminds Motorcyclists to Protect Body and Exercise Caution on the Road (交通事故委员会提醒摩托车手保护身体、谨慎骑行)

CCCAVOct 31, 20231 min read

Transport Accident Commission Reminds Motorcyclists to Protect Body and Exercise Caution on the Road Protect your body | 保护身体 0.03 seconds. | 0.03秒。 That’s how long a jumper protects you…

Community Forum on Climate Action on 22 November 2023 at Box Hill Community Centre (气候行动社区论坛即将在博士山社区中心举行)

Community Forum on Climate Action on 22 November 2023 at Box Hill Community Centre (气候行动社区论坛即将在博士山社区中心举行)

CCCAVOct 30, 20231 min read

Community Forum on Climate Action on 22 November 2023 at Box Hill Community Centre Wednesday, 22 November 2023, 7:30pm – 9:00pm The Arbour, Box Hill Community Centre, 470 Station St,…


Urgent Call for an Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza – Statement by the Chinese Australians for Peace Association (关于加沙立即停火的紧急呼吁)

CCCAVOct 30, 20231 min read

Urgent Call for an Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza Statement by the Chinese Australians for Peace Association 29 October 2023 As advocates for peace, we are profoundly saddened by the loss…