News History

Survey of views in relation to COVID-19 vaccination for 5-11 year old children (by the Victorian Department of Health)

Survey of views in relation to COVID-19 vaccination for 5-11 year old children (by the Victorian Department of Health)

Mar 11, 20222753 years ago

*** Survey of views in relation to COVID-19 vaccination for 5-11 year old children (by the Victorian Department of Health) Survey link (调查链接):可选择中文) By completing the survey, you will help the Victorian government to:  understand the different opinions on vaccination for 5-11 year old children plan services to help parents and guardians make decisions about their children’s COVID-19 vaccination. 请支持维州政府关于5 至 11 岁的儿童接种新冠疫苗的观点的匿名调查 以帮助维州政府: 了解有关为 5 至 11 岁的儿童接种新冠疫苗的不同观点为支持服务做计划,来帮助父母和监护人决定是否让他们的孩子接种疫苗。 The…

New Police Assistance Line (131 444) for Reporting Non-urgent Incidents

New Police Assistance Line (131 444) for Reporting Non-urgent Incidents

CCCAVMar 4, 20221 min read

Contact the new Police Assistance Line (131 444)拨打新的警务援助热线(131 444) Report non-urgent incidents, such as报告非紧急事件,例如 stolen property 财物被盗lost property 财物遗失damaged property 财物损坏general questions 普通咨询 For support in English, call 131 444如以英语求助,请拨打131…


Free Telehealth Trial for Dementia (失智症) Patients and Caregivers

CCCAVMar 2, 20221 min read

The University of Melbourne is recruiting participants for a free telehealth trial for dementia (失智症) patients and caregivers. This is for an international study called HOMESIDE, which is exploring the effects…

Congratulations to Mr Jason Yat-Sen Li (李逸仙) for Winning the Strathfield, NSW By-election

Congratulations to Mr Jason Yat-Sen Li (李逸仙) for Winning the Strathfield, NSW By-election

CCCAVFeb 13, 20221 min read

Congratulations to Mr Jason Yat-Sen Li (李逸仙) for winning the Strathfield, NSW by-election on 12 February 2022. In his powerful winning speech Mr Jason Yat-Sen Li talked about aspiration, people,…

RAT快速抗原检测简介;如果您的新冠检测呈阳性, 该怎么办

RAT快速抗原检测简介;如果您的新冠检测呈阳性, 该怎么办

CCCAVFeb 11, 20221 min read

Information about the RAT (Rapid Antigen Test) and what if you tested positive for COVID-19. More information at RAPID ANTIGEN TEST FACT SHEET – 快速抗原检测简介Download Positive Result 如果您的新冠检测呈阳性 该怎么办Download


Summer: Tips for Managing Power Costs and Being Prepared for Power Outages. 夏季:合理用电,做好停电应急准备

CCCAVFeb 9, 20221 min read

Summer: Tips for Managing Power Costs and Being Prepared for Power Outages Please refer to the Factsheets about managing power costs and being prepared for power outages in summer by…

Speech by Jenny Leong MP (Newtown, NSW) on Racism in the NSW Parliament on 06 May 2021

Speech by Jenny Leong MP (Newtown, NSW) on Racism in the NSW Parliament on 06 May 2021

CCCAVFeb 6, 20221 min read

A speech by Jenny Leong MP (Newtown, NSW) on Racism in the NSW Parliament on 06 May 2021. The full speech can be viewed on YouTube: (subtitled version: The text of the…

Dementia Prevention Survey

Dementia Prevention Survey

CCCAVFeb 4, 20221 min read

The National Ageing Research Institute (NARI) is seeking assistance in completing a survey about Dementia (失智症) prevention in the multicultural communities, which takes 10-15 minutes. Thank you.

Getting vaccinated after you’ve had COVID-19

Getting vaccinated after you’ve had COVID-19

CCCAVFeb 2, 20221 min read

Have you recently had COVID-19 and are wondering when you should you get your next vaccine dose? You should get your next dose as soon as you can after you…

Happy Lunar New Year – 慶祝農曆新年, 守護親人健康

Happy Lunar New Year – 慶祝農曆新年, 守護親人健康

CCCAVJan 27, 20221 min read

As we come together to celebrate the New Year please remember to stay COVIDSafe. That means meeting and greeting outside when possible, wearing a mask, keeping homes well ventilated with…