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Community Q&A Forum: Understand the Voice Referendum on 9 September 2023 (澳华社区”原住民之声”问答论坛(中英文双语)即将在博士山市政厅举行)

Community Q&A Forum: Understand the Voice Referendum on 9 September 2023 (澳华社区”原住民之声”问答论坛(中英文双语)即将在博士山市政厅举行)

Aug 19, 20237101 year ago

Join us to hear more and ask questions about the upcoming Voice Referendum – 澳华社区”原住民之声”问答论坛(中英文双语) Date/Time: Saturday 9 September 2023, 3:00PM – 4:30PM Venue: Box Hill Town Hall – Matsudo Room. 1022 Whitehorse Road, Box Hill, VIC 3128. Guest speakers: Marcus Stewart (Member of First Nations Referendum Working Group) Wesa Chau (40 Under 40 Most Influential Asian Australians) Jimmy Li (CCCAV) This forum is jointly organised by the Chinese Community…

Cancelled: Upcoming Event – Multicultural Australia for the Voice Referendum: Q&A Forum on 2 September 2023 (多元文化社区“原住民之声”问答论坛即将举行)

Cancelled: Upcoming Event – Multicultural Australia for the Voice Referendum: Q&A Forum on 2 September 2023 (多元文化社区“原住民之声”问答论坛即将举行)

CCCAVAug 18, 20231 min read

21/08/2023: This event has been cancelled due to the unavailability of a key speaker. “Multicultural Australia for the Voice” invites you to a Q&A Forum about the Voice for an…

University of Melbourne Research Group Seeking Participants in Study on Understanding Health Decision-making in Australian Chinese Families (墨尔本大学研究团队寻求参与者协助关于澳大利亚华人家庭健康决策的研究)

University of Melbourne Research Group Seeking Participants in Study on Understanding Health Decision-making in Australian Chinese Families (墨尔本大学研究团队寻求参与者协助关于澳大利亚华人家庭健康决策的研究)

CCCAVAug 10, 20231 min read

A research group from the University of Melbourne is currently conducting a study on understanding health decision-making in Australian Chinese families. Their research is funded by Australia’s National Health and…


ABC Report: Government revises Chinese translation of referendum question after community raises concerns

CCCAVAug 3, 20231 min read

The government website has updated their official translation of “First Peoples” in the referendum question from “第一民族” to “原住民族” after the Chinese community raised concerns about the original translation, ABC reported on…

Recycling for a Better Future (共同努力, 回收利用, 保护环境, 共创未来)

Recycling for a Better Future (共同努力, 回收利用, 保护环境, 共创未来)

CCCAVJul 26, 20232 min read

维州多元文化社区的回收利用:共同学习,共创未来 作者:Harpreet Singh Kandra 博士 维州有一个地方很了不起,就是其多元文化与观念交织,形成充满活力的社会。我们因此得以分享多样化的思维和做事方式,互相学习,造福后代。 作为可持续发展的热心倡导者,我尤其关心维州民众如何携手更好地保护我们的环境,共创健康繁荣的社区。 维州可持续发展部(Sustainability Victoria)正在开展“细小举动,意义重大”的宣传活动,我作为活动大使,有幸于近期与来自华人、越南和黎巴嫩社区有威望和影响力的领袖交谈,探讨我们如何共同采用更可持续的废弃物管理办法,尤其在回收利用方面。谈到维州现行回收利用系统,我们对于维州多元文化社群关于认知差距的反馈作出了反思。 在交谈中,我们得到了启发——虽然我们来自不同的文化背景,往往各有不同的废弃物管理系统,但在如何管理废弃物和扩大回收利用方面,我们可以找到共同点并相互学习。 克服文化隔阂,取长补短 不难理解,由于我们过往不同的经历,我们对待维州的减废与回收利用工作也会有所不同。部分移民以前可能有家政人员帮忙处理家中的回收利用工作。而对那些离乡别井逃避动乱的人而言,根深蒂固的“生存观念”可能影响他们对回收利用和未来的理解。适应新家园会令人心力交瘁——要安排和了解的事情非常多,因此个性化的支持以及在制度和社会责任方面的指导非常重要。 “试想移民来澳大利亚后第一次看见四个不同颜色的箱子——如果没人告诉您,您不会知道哪个用来装什么,”阿拉伯社区领袖Michael Kheirallah表示。 然而,也正是这个学习的过程,通过不同群体之间持续的对话和鼓励,让我们互取所长,汲取经验。 越南社区宣导师Tammy Nguyen表示:“说到越南社区的习惯,其实他们的日常生活方式都很有益于环境,即便环保并非他们的主要出发点。” “无论是为了摆脱贫困还是作为难民来到维州,节俭都是必需的。这些习惯传承了下来——从用外卖餐盒存放物品,到用菜头叶碎作花园肥料,人们会下意识地重复利用物料。” 在我看来,虽然部分民众对维州回收利用系统的认识度不高,但却有很好的意识基础。 善用良好意识,带动积极变化 对于新的回收利用与废弃物管理方法,维州多元文化社群展现出强烈的学习意愿和适应能力,这正是我们希望看到的。维州可持续发展部(Sustainability Victoria)最近一次调查显示,平均来说,维州多元文化社群非常赞同“正确分类废弃物是善举,”而且“正确丢弃废弃物,人人有责。” 华人社区领袖Diana Lin认为积极的信息传递能驱动人们的行为改变,这一观点也支持了上述调查结果。 “民众愿意遵从指示,我们只需清楚、简明地向他们传达指示,有需要时用他们的母语进行传达,”Diana表示。 要把良好的意识转换成积极的变化,需从细微的调整做起。我们可以通过维州可持续发展部(Sustainability Victoria)的“细小举动,意义重大 ”宣传活动等宣导计划提出对策,通过多种语言分享实用易懂的信息。 然而对于有价值的信息,我们要付诸行动才能有实效。 “我想,对许多人来说,有时为了图方便,而不计长远利益。”可持续发展这一选项往往让人觉得更耗时,”Tammy说。…

Members of Chinese and Multicultural Communities Gathered to Show Support for the First Nations Voice to Parliament (澳洲华人和多元文化社区“原住民之声”论坛成功举行)

Members of Chinese and Multicultural Communities Gathered to Show Support for the First Nations Voice to Parliament (澳洲华人和多元文化社区“原住民之声”论坛成功举行)

CCCAVJul 25, 20234 min read

25 July 2023 MEDIA RELEASE Members of Chinese and Multicultural Communities Gathered to Show Support for the First Nations Voice to Parliament On the sunny Saturday afternoon of 22 July…

A Life Changing Life: Join the Care and Support Sector (改变人生的事业:护理和援助行业正虚位以待)

A Life Changing Life: Join the Care and Support Sector (改变人生的事业:护理和援助行业正虚位以待)

CCCAVJun 29, 20231 min read

The care and support sector is the fastest-growing sector in Australia right now. With the growth of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and Australia’s ageing population, there are plenty…

Upcoming Event – Multicultural Community Forum: Understand and Support a First Nations Voice to Parliament

Upcoming Event – Multicultural Community Forum: Understand and Support a First Nations Voice to Parliament

CCCAVJun 14, 20231 min read

Let’s come together at the Multicultural Community Forum on 22 July 2023, to learn about and support the First Nations Voice to Parliament. You are cordially invited to attend this…

Call for Chinese-Australian Applicants for William Ah Ket Leadership Program at the ANU (澳洲国立大学麦锡祥领袖计划欢迎华裔申请者踊跃申请)

Call for Chinese-Australian Applicants for William Ah Ket Leadership Program at the ANU (澳洲国立大学麦锡祥领袖计划欢迎华裔申请者踊跃申请)

CCCAVJun 13, 20232 min read

Applications to the inaugural William Ah Ket Leadership Program are now open. To apply: Supported by the Australian Government’s National Foundation for Australia-China Relations (NFACR) and named after the first…


Information Session Held in March 2023 Enlightens Participants on the Voice Referendum

CCCAVJun 11, 20231 min read

MOJO News recently covered the informative Voice session organized by the Chinese Community Council of Australia, Victoria Chapter (CCCAV) on 16th March 2023. The event featured Dr Shireen Morris, Director…