Recycling for a Better Future (共同努力, 回收利用, 保护环境, 共创未来)
Recycling for a Better Future (共同努力, 回收利用, 保护环境, 共创未来)
Recycling for a Better Future (共同努力, 回收利用, 保护环境, 共创未来)
The care and support sector is the fastest-growing sector in Australia right now. With the growth of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and Australia’s ageing population, there are plenty of opportunities for people looking for rewarding work that fits in with their lives. 护理与援助行业是澳大利亚增长最快的就业市场之一。如今养老护理、残障援助和退伍军人护理岗位都在招贤纳士。欢迎选择投身这一改变人生的事业。 更多信息参见:
Let’s come together at the Multicultural Community Forum on 22 July 2023, to learn about and support the First Nations Voice to Parliament. You are cordially invited to attend this event. 诚邀参加澳华和多元文化社区论坛,了解和支持原住民之声。 Please register via : Guest speakers (感谢著名翻译专家秦潞山教授现场翻译): Places are limited due to venue capacity. Please RSVP now.
Applications to the inaugural William Ah Ket Leadership Program are now open. To apply: Supported by the Australian Government’s National Foundation for Australia-China Relations (NFACR) and named after the first Australian barrister of Chinese and Asian heritage and co-founder of the Sino-Australian Association the late William Ah Ket (1876-1936), this Read more…
MOJO News recently covered the informative Voice session organized by the Chinese Community Council of Australia, Victoria Chapter (CCCAV) on 16th March 2023. The event featured Dr Shireen Morris, Director of the Radical Centre Reform Lab, a Senior Lecturer at Macquarie University Law School and a Constitutional lawyer, who has Read more…
The Uluru Statement from the Heart. 2017年五月,原住民与托雷斯海峡岛民代表们齐聚乌鲁鲁,在全国原住民宪章大会上通过《发自肺腑的乌鲁鲁宣言》。这一宣言是13场和全澳大利亚原住民社区深刻对话的结晶。它呼吁以宪法形式在议会中包括原住民的声音,并开启签署条约、诉说真相的过程。宣言希望在澳洲原住民与澳大利亚国民之间,建立起以真相、正义和自决为基础的关系。
The Voice referendum will be held in late 2023. In 2017, 250 delegates from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across the country gathered and wrote the Uluru Statement from the Heart, which called for a Voice for First Nations people to be added to the Constitution. Then in 2022, Read more…
A growing number of multicultural community organisations have signed up to support “Yes” in the forthcoming Voice referendum. 越来越多的多元文化社团支持原住民之声。
All are welcome to celebrate Dragon Boat Festival at Chinese Museum in Chinatown. Date/Time: Saturday-Sunday 24 and 25 June 2023, 10am-4pm Where: Chinese Museum. 22 Cohen Place, Chinatown, Melbourne. 45min sessions, start times: 10.10am 11.10am, 12.10am, 1.10pm, 2.20pm, 3.10pm. All day: Entry fee: More info:
Congratulations to Kim Wen (温方臣) on becoming the President of the Rotary Club of Kew. Kim is the first person of Chinese heritage to be elected as the President of the Rotary Club of Kew in its history. Ref: