Congratulations to Asian Australian Volunteers (AAV) for Being Highly Commended in 2022 Victorian Multicultural Awards for Excellence (祝贺澳亚志愿者协会荣获2022年维州多元文化优秀奖嘉奖)

Congratulations to Asian Australian Volunteers (AAV) for Being Highly Commended in 2022 Victorian Multicultural Awards for Excellence. At the 2022 Victorian Multicultural Awards for Excellence ceremony held at Government House in Victoria on 25 October 2022, the Asian Australian Volunteers Inc. (AAV) was awarded “Highly Commended” in the “Community Innovation” Read more…

Victorian Government Encouraging More People to Get Involved with Volunteering (维州政府鼓励更多人加入志愿者行列)

The Victorian Government has launched the ‘Ready to Volunteer’ campaign, encouraging more people to get involved with volunteering. Volunteering is an opportunity to help out in your community, meet new people, learn new things, and explore new interests. 人人都可以做出贡献。无论您来自哪里、对哪些领域感兴趣、何时有空,都有适合您的志愿者岗位。 如果您想了解更多信息或寻找符合您生活节奏的志愿者岗位,请访问 More info:

Government’s Advice on Optus Data Breach (针对电信公司Optus数据泄露事件,政府提醒保护个人信息)

Government’s Advice on Optus Data Breach: ​​If you think you may be affected by the recent Optus data breach contact Optus Customer service on 133 937. For more information, see Optus Data Breach. You should also:  Secure and monitor your devices and accounts for unusual activity, and ensure they have the latest security Read more…

Community Support Helped a Historic Chinese-Australian Home in Ballarat Being Saved from Demolition

A historic Chinese-Australian home in Ballarat – the Victory House – has been saved from imminent demolition after the City of Ballarat Council voted on Wednesday 14 September 2022 to seek interim heritage protection. Ref: Photos provided by Charles Zhang, Ballarat.

Youth Affairs Council Victoria Seeking Young Health Ambassadors Applicants from Chinese Community

Youth Affairs Council Victoria is seeking Young Health Ambassadors Applicants from Chinese Community To apply: Applications close on Sunday 11 September 2022. Who: Young people – ages 12-25 from refugee or migrant backgrounds What: Young Health Ambassadors – a project to improve health literacy. There are two streams to Read more…