ABC and SBS Reported on Chinese Australians’ Concerns about Racism (ABC和SBS报道澳洲华人对种族歧视的担忧)

ABC and SBS Reported on Chinese Australians’ Concerns about Racism The Conversation reported on 28 March 2023: ‘The media normalises war-mongering’: how Chinese Australians respond to talk of war in mainstream media ( ABC reported on 24 March 2023: Chinese communities concerned about ‘spying‘ and ‘red alert’ report | 为什么“间谍”报道和《红色警戒》系列引发澳洲华人与媒体专家担忧?( SBS reported Read more…

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on 21 March (3月21日是国际消除种族歧视日)

21 March each year marks the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (IDERD), sometimes referred to as ‘Harmony Day’ in Australia. ‘Harmony Week’ refers to the week within which this date falls. More info: What is the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and why Read more…

Churchill Fellowship Award Welcomes Applicants from Multicultural Communities (丘吉尔奖学金欢迎来自多元文化社区的申请者)

Churchill Fellowship Award Welcomes Applicants from Multicultural Communities Would you like to travel overseas for four to eight weeks to explore a topic or issue that you’re passionate about, and come back and share your knowledge? You are welcome to apply for a Churchill Fellowship. A Churchill Fellowship is for Read more…

Monash University Research Team Seeking Chinese Participants for Study on Culturally Informed Treatment for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) 蒙纳士大学科研团队寻求华人协助关于创伤后应激障碍的研究

A research team at Monash University Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health is funded by the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) to conduct a study and help develop culturally informed treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Any first-generation immigrant from China aged between 18-65, with experience Read more…

Multicultural Health Connect 1800 186 815 (打电话获取专业健康信息)

Multicultural Health Connect Healthdirect Australia has launched a new helpline – Multicultural Health Connect – the first national helpline to help people in multicultural communities get health information and advice. The helpline is free and confidential, and run by workers with multicultural backgrounds. In-language help is available by calling 1800 186 815, where callers speak Read more…

1800RESPECT: National Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Counselling, Information and Support Service (澳大利亚家庭暴力与性侵犯救助电话 1800 737 732)

1800RESPECT 是澳大利亚家庭暴力与性侵犯救助服务。 1800RESPECT 面向受害人/经历者、家人、朋友、服务人士。 他们提供电话辅导、在线辅导; 他们的网站列有信息、建议与当地服务推介选项。 你可以通过其网站、或致电 1800 737 732 获取所有这些信息与服务。