New Victorian Law to Improve Mental Health and Wellbeing Services (维多利亚州出台新法律以改善心理健康与福祉服务)
The Mental Health and Wellbeing Act 2022 aims to improve mental health and wellbeing services for all Victorians. The new Act has important changes for people receiving mental health and wellbeing treatment, care and support and their families, carers and supporters. 维多利亚州近日出台新法律以改善心理健康与福祉服务。该新出台的法律以人权为本,旨在: 新出台的法律中制定了原则,确保心理健康与福祉服务对每个人来说都是安全的。这意味着服务需做到包容且无障碍。这些原则规定,心理健康服务必须尊重社区中的所有人,包括来自不同文化、语言和信仰背景的人群。 详见: