Upcoming Chinese Community Q&A Forum: The Voice Referendum Information Session
As the referendum day (14 October) approaches, we invite you to join us to learn more and ask questions about the Voice Referendum – 澳华社区”原住民之声”问答论坛(中英文双语). 请点击此链接注册(RSVP): https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/chinese-community-qa-forum-the-voice-referendum-information-session-tickets-728654193307 特邀嘉宾 座谈会嘉宾 现场翻译 秦潞山教授 – 澳大利亚勋章获得者, 蒙纳士大学荣誉院士, 知名中英同声传译翻译官 This forum is jointly organised by the RMIT University Chinese-Australian Studies Forum and the Chinese Read more…