Seeking Chinese Participants to Provide Feedback on Victorian Healthcare Experience Survey (寻求华人参与者就“维多利亚州医疗保健服务体验(VHES)调查”提供反馈)
The Department of Health is seeking Chinese participants to provide feedback about the Victorian Healthcare Experience Survey. Participants will be provided with a $60 gift card for their time (one hour). Please express your interest here: Thank you for your support. 维多利亚州卫生部寻求华人参与者就“维多利亚州医疗保健服务体验(VHES)调查“提供反馈,以改进服务。参与者将获得$60的礼品卷作为报酬(时间约1小时)。 有意者请点击: 感谢您的支持。 About the Project After people Read more…