Moving On – the New 21st Century Directions for the Chinese Australian Community 繼續前進 – 澳大利亞華人社區在21世紀的新方向

[three_fifth padding=”0 20px 0 0″] The Chinese Community Council of Australia’s “Moving On” national conference was a precedent success. The organisers had to turn away last minute registrations – the event attracted seven times more registered participants than the first conference in Sydney last year. The first day presented and Read more…

No More a Community without Profile: The Chinese Australian community is resolved to building its public voice 向沒有公共影響的社區形象揮手作別: 澳洲華人社區決心建立公共領域統一聲音

CCCAV launched a media release event on the 1st Aug, 2012, in the Parliament House. Over 30 media representatives and other guests, including community leaders, attended the event, which finished later after planned schedule. Presentation Highlights: The President of the Victorian Chapter of the Chinese Community Council of Australia (CCCAV), Read more…

Chinese students lose confidence in night train safety 中國學生对乘坐夜班列車出行的安全失去信心

The “Assault on students spark on-line fury” (Peter Cai & Jen Rosenberg SMH 24April2012) conjures a feeling of insecurity when travelling alone at night on our Sydney metropolitan trains. A subsequent SMH (Peter Cai 26 April 2012) report, headlined “Chinese Students at risk in Australia”, highlighted the unfavourable outcry about Read more…

Our Work is Not Done, Victorian Chinese Voice Needs to be Heard 澳华社区工作任重道远,我们需让更多人听到维州华人的声音

On Saturday 26 November 2011, the Chinese Community Council of Australia (Victoria Chapter) held its Annual General Meeting, hosted by one of its members 2Future Education in Box Hill. Dr Stanley Chiang, President of the CCCAV, reported that 2010/11 was all about consolidation and contribution. “CCCAV stepped up its engagement Read more…