RAT快速抗原检测简介;如果您的新冠检测呈阳性, 该怎么办
Information about the RAT (Rapid Antigen Test) and what if you tested positive for COVID-19. More information at https://www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/
Information about the RAT (Rapid Antigen Test) and what if you tested positive for COVID-19. More information at https://www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/
Summer: Tips for Managing Power Costs and Being Prepared for Power Outages Please refer to the Factsheets about managing power costs and being prepared for power outages in summer by CitiPower as part of their 2022 Multicultural Outreach Program. 夏季用电高峰,做好停电应急准备,合理用电,避免措手不及。欲了解如何提前做好应急准备,请浏览网站: https://www.powercor.com.au/power-outages-and-faults/prepare-for-power-outages/
A speech by Jenny Leong MP (Newtown, NSW) on Racism in the NSW Parliament on 06 May 2021. The full speech can be viewed on YouTube: https://youtu.be/hDUrz8Fs_0I (subtitled version: https://youtu.be/WlESSL-AC88). The text of the speech is available on NSW Hansard: https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/Hansard/Pages/HansardResult.aspx#/docid/HANSARD-1323879322-117084/link/107
The National Ageing Research Institute (NARI) is seeking assistance in completing a survey about Dementia (失智症) prevention in the multicultural communities, which takes 10-15 minutes. Thank you. https://redcap.nari.edu.au/redcap/surveys/?s=K479KRCA4X
Have you recently had COVID-19 and are wondering when you should you get your next vaccine dose? You should get your next dose as soon as you can after you have made a full recovery from the acute illness, and you have completed 7 days of isolation. This includes children Read more…
As we come together to celebrate the New Year please remember to stay COVIDSafe. That means meeting and greeting outside when possible, wearing a mask, keeping homes well ventilated with windows and doors open and getting tested if you have any symptoms. For up to date information go to coronavirus.vic.gov.au/ Read more…
Congratulations to Australia Day 2022 Honours Recipients with Chinese Heritage MEMBER (AM) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION (澳大利亞員佐勳章): Mrs Cathy Chye Yah CHONG (歐彩霞) Kensington Gardens SA 5068 For significant service to multiculturalism in South Australia, and to the community. Professor Alfred King-yin LAM (林敬賢教授) Reedy Creek QLD 4227 For significant Read more…
Today (26 January) and every day – we respect, acknowledge and celebrate First Nations Peoples as the Traditional custodians of the country we are lucky enough to call home.
If you are aged 18 and over and you had your second dose 3 or more months ago, you are due for your third dose now. A COVID-19 third dose helps prevent waning immunity (loss of protection) against COVID-19. Third doses are important to give you and your family maximum Read more…
You can now book the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for 5 to 11 year olds at your local GP or pharmacy:https://covid-vaccine.healthdirect.gov.au/booking Getting kids vaccinated will help:– keep schools open, so kids can have more face-to-face learning and playtime with their friends– reduce the spread of COVID-19– protect them from getting sick Read more…