We invite you to join us in an online Community Information Session to learn and ask questions about the Coroners Court of Victoria.
- Date: Thursday 31 October 2024, 6:30PM-8:00PM
- Venue: Online (link TBA)
Please register via: https://www.trybooking.com/CUORG


Simon McGregor
Prior to being appointed as a Coroner in 2018, Simon was a member of the Victorian Bar for 21 years. On his way there, he was President Winneke’s researcher and a Court of Appeal Registrar before he read with H.H. Jack Forrest Q.C., had six readers of his own, and two indigenous lawyer mentees. He both practised and published in administrative and human rights law, health and regulatory law, inquests, commissions, proceeds of crime and other investigation spaces.
During his career, he worked on the Police Shootings trials, the HMAS Melbourne/Voyager litigation, the Kerang Train & Truck Collision and the Parolee Murder cluster inquests.
As a Coroner, he is best known for his work triggering the AFL to review its concussion policies, his review of the appropriateness of invasive CT scans in the Inquest into the death of Peta Hickey [COR 2336 of 2019] and his recent indigenous death in custody Inquest into the death of Veronica Nelson [COR 21 of 2020], although he has also presided over in excess of 3,000 other judicial determinations, all of which are equally important to those associated families.

Dr Jodie Leditschke
Jodie is currently the manager of the Mortuary and Coronial Admissions & Enquiries at the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine, Australia. She has managed the Coronial Admissions office for the past 10 years and has over 30 years’ experience in forensic mortuaries including the management of mortuaries following disasters here in Australia and internationally.
She is an Adjunct Lecturer at Monash University and founding Fellow, Faculty of Science, RCPA. She has worked as a consultant for International Committee of Red Cross conducting workshops on setting up of temporary mortuaries following disasters and working with countries to further develop their mortuary capacity. She has co-authored a number of papers on emergency management of mass fatalities and mortuary management

Mohamed Mohideen OAM, JP, MASM
Mohamed Mohideen is a current Senior Multicultural Advisor, and Co-Chair of Multifaith/Multicultural Advisory Committee of Coroners Court of Victoria.He is the former Head of Priority Communities Engagement in the Covid-19 Vaccination Program, Victorian Department of Health
He is a microbiologist and a professional member of the Australian Society for Microbiology (MASM), and has also been an academic in the Department of Microbiology, Monash University for over 20 years,
He is originally from Sri Lanka and has been the Immediate past president of the Islamic Council of Victoria and is also the current deputy chair of the Faith communities Council of Victoria.
Mohamed is a current Victorian Multicultural Commissioner and is a recipient of the Order of Australia (OAM) and is a current Justice of Peace.