When to Take a RAT Test (Rapid Antigen Test)
应在何时使用快速抗原检测(RAT): 如何进行快速抗原检测 – Instructional Rapid Antigen Test (Chinese Simplified) 如何理解快速抗原检测结果 – Rapid antigen test – understanding your result (Chinese Simplified)
应在何时使用快速抗原检测(RAT): 如何进行快速抗原检测 – Instructional Rapid Antigen Test (Chinese Simplified) 如何理解快速抗原检测结果 – Rapid antigen test – understanding your result (Chinese Simplified)
Inaugural Speech by Jason Li MP in NSW Parliament on 23 March 2022 is available on NSW Hansard: https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/Hansard/Pages/HansardResult.aspx#/docid/HANSARD-1323879322-123287/link/2263
Earth Hour 2022: 8.30pm Saturday 26 March. The Earth Hour is “calling on Australians everywhere to sign up to switch off and join a worldwide community of millions supporting stronger action on climate change.” More info: https://www.earthhour.org.au/
*** Zoom link to be advised. Saturday 2 April 2022. 12:45PM-3:00PM. RSVP via https://chinese-australian-roundtable-2022.eventbrite.com.au/ As a follow-up from last year’s Round Table, a wide representation of Chinese Australian thinkers/leaders address current issues across our communities. We bring both emerging as well as established public figures together to establish a balanced and Read more…
我们用爱和疫苗保护彼此! 如果年满16岁,则现在有资格接种加强针 增强保护力,保持对COVID-19的免疫力 年满5岁者现均可预约接种COVID-19疫苗 符合条件的人士(包括 70 岁以上的人)可以在家中接种 COVID-19 疫苗 A third dose is recommended for everyone aged 16 years and over BOOST your protection against COVID-19 COVID-19 vaccines are available to everyone aged 5 years and over Eligible people including people over 70 can receive COVID-19 vaccine at home
Congratulations to fourth-generation Chinese Australian Gabrielle Wang (王兴霜) for recently being named Australian Children’s Laureate for 2022-23 by the the Australian Children’s Laureate Foundation. Gabrielle Wang, children’s book author and illustrator, will be traveling around Australia over the next two years as Laureate, giving classes, talks and generally inspiring children Read more…
*** Survey of views in relation to COVID-19 vaccination for 5-11 year old children (by the Victorian Department of Health) Survey link (调查链接): https://dhhschange.syd1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_d4ncDp5KSx8GnlA(可选择中文) By completing the survey, you will help the Victorian government to: understand the different opinions on vaccination for 5-11 year old children plan services to help Read more…
Contact the new Police Assistance Line (131 444)拨打新的警务援助热线(131 444) Report non-urgent incidents, such as报告非紧急事件,例如 stolen property 财物被盗 lost property 财物遗失 damaged property 财物损坏 general questions 普通咨询 For support in English, call 131 444如以英语求助,请拨打131 444 For support in your language, call TIS National on 131 450 and ask for the Victorian Read more…
The University of Melbourne is recruiting participants for a free telehealth trial for dementia (失智症) patients and caregivers. This is for an international study called HOMESIDE, which is exploring the effects of music and reading interventions for people living with dementia and their family caregivers. In this study, only the carer Read more…