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工伤保险, 对很多华人移民来说可能是个比较陌生的名词,或者说我们总认为这是一个离我们生活很远的东西, 其实不然。 近年来,越来越多的华人移民来到澳洲开始新的工作开创新的生活。我们也越来越多的看到好多同胞中发生的跟工作有关的意外事故,但是却由于不太理解工伤保险的相关程序而没有得到相应的赔偿和保障,让人备感痛心。哪些情况可以定义为工伤,哪些人可以提请工伤赔偿,怎样提出工伤赔偿申请,申请人可以获得哪些应得的赔偿和保障, 如何得到工资补偿和医疗费用的报销?为了解决以上疑问,维州澳华社区议会维州分部特别邀请到了工伤保险部部长Tim Holding先生和来自Maurice & Blackburn Solicitors律师事务所的Liberty Sanger律师为您带来一场精彩的信息介绍会。
The Chinese Community Council of Australia (Victoria Chapter) is pleased to host this free one off seminar to discuss worksafe and employee rights for Victoria’s Chinese community.
For many migrant communities, employment is fundamental to their settlement and for creating opportunities for their social and economic participation in civil society. Broadly speaking, there are two key areas in which migrant and refugee communities contend with barriers to meaningful employment. These barriers are well documented and include overseas qualification processes, a lack of local work experience, lack of the English language, the failure of mainstream employment services to deliver culturally competent employment assistance and knowledge of industry specific language.
There is also the cultural and traditional mentality that migrant communities have,
that the employer, manager and supervisor, are the ‘master’ and if they engage in any activity or ask a question which relates to their working rights and entitlements, they will lose their job and way of life.
There also exist the managers or supervisors, who understand this and exploit the opportunities to promote a working environment surrounded by intimidation
and fear of job loss. This is common in the blue collar working industry, and is an
issue which needs to be addressed and have measures put in place to create some remedies.
At this CCCAV seminar, we are proud to welcome the Hon Tim Holding MP, Minister for Finance, Workcover and TAC who will provide the keynote address. Minister Holding will be joined by Hong Lim MP, Dr Stanley Chiang, Liberty Sanger and Malcolm Cumming from Maurice and Blackburn Solicitors to assist our community to understand our rights and responsibilities within the workplace. Furthermore, it is vital to create an environment to promote a healthy life and work balance to ensure your rights are upheld and protected. So come and share your views and perspectives on this important issue!
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Work cover seminar: These are your rights! 12 March 2010.

100312_Work Rights Semenar 10/03/2012
Work cover seminar: These are your rights! 12 March 2010.