A Student at the University of Sydney Seeking Chinese Australian Participants for Research on Ethnocentrism and Cultural Superiority via an Anonymous Survey (悉尼大学学生寻找澳大利亚华人参与匿名调查,研究民族中心主义与文化优越性)
A Student at the University of Sydney Seeking Chinese Australian Participants for Research on Ethnocentrism and Cultural Superiority via an Anonymous Survey You are welcome to assist this student’s research project by completing this anonymous survey (takes 5-10 minutes) | 欢迎通过完成该匿名网调协助该学生的研究项目(仅需5-10分钟): https://forms.gle/gsVfGjcuDuBGyWqj8 Background: The purpose of this survey is for Read more…