On Saturday 26 November 2011, the Chinese Community Council of Australia (Victoria Chapter) held its Annual General Meeting, hosted by one of its members 2Future Education in Box Hill.
Dr Stanley Chiang, President of the CCCAV, reported that 2010/11 was all about consolidation and contribution.
“CCCAV stepped up its engagement with Victoria’s Chinese community and the wider community through a wide range of activities ranging from media engagement, the hosting of workshops and forums, meeting government representatives and community day,” said Dr Stanley Chiang, President of the Chinese Community Council of Australia (Victoria Chapter)
CCCAV was honoured to welcome Dr Gao Jia from the University of Melbourne as the guest speaker. Dr Gao was greatly impressed with the aims and objectives of CCCAV and its work to being the peak body for Victoria’s Chinese community.
“It is important for the Chinese community in Victoria and Australia for that matter to unite and band together under one voice. The community needs to get our opinions out more often and focus our energies on gaining a better understanding on what the issues are”, said Dr Gao Jia.
Dr Gao presentation outlined the important topic of Australia’s growing bilateral relationship with China, which sparked up much debate and discussion amongst members.
“We have heard members speak out and sharing their concerns on the Gillard Government’s policy decision in the Australia/United States military and security alliance. Some of our members saw this as a containment policy against China. Members are keen to see a more balanced approach in Australia’s foreign policy, said Dr Chiang.
“Our work is not done, it is clear to us that the voice of Victoria’s growing Chinese community needs to be heard. Our priority for 2012 is to do just that”, concluded Dr Chiang.
澳华社区议会维州分部 (CCCAV) 于2011年11月26日 (周六) 在博士山 (Boxhill) 举行了2011年年度大会。大会由CCCAV成员之一的2Future未来教育中心(2Future Education)协办。约60位大会成员及社区代表参加了当天的会议。
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