On Thursday 25 August 2011, the Minister for Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship, the Hon Nick Kotsiras MP announced the appointment of new Commissioners to the Victorian Multicultural Commission (VMC).
Wesa Chau, 2010 Young Victorian of the Year and Deputy President and Spokesperson for the Chinese Community Council of Australia (Victoria Chapter) (CCCAV) would like to welcome and congratulate all the new Commissioners and wishes them well in their roles.
“The new Commissioners not only reflect a broad range of skills and experiences, but is also a strong reflection of the cultural diversity and makeup of our multicultural state”, said Wesa Chau, Deputy President and Spokesperson for the CCCAV.
“Culturally and linguistically diverse and refugee communities require more targeted initiatives to ensure ongoing issues such as health, education, housing, employment and settlement are addressed properly and appropriately. More work needs to be done to ensure cultural diversity and multiculturalism is moving forward in our society. CCCAV is confident that the new Commissioners will be able to take up these issues and work cooperatively with ethno-specific organisations and multicultural communities to address them.
CCCAV would also like to acknowledge the bipartisan support presented by both the Government and the Opposition on the Multicultural Victoria Act 2011, which will come into operation on 1 September 2011.
“On behalf of the CCCAV, I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank the contribution and dedication shown by the previous Commissioners, including the CCCAV’s very own President Dr Stanley Chiang. Your work, passion and efforts in promoting cultural diversity and social inclusion in Victoria had made our state a more tolerant and vibrant place to work, study and live.
多元文化及公民事务部长Nick Korsiras议员宣布,新专员走马上任维州多元文化委员会(Victorian Multicultural Commission)。澳华社区议会维州分部(CCCAV)副会长, 2010年维州青年奖得主之一的邹慧心欢迎并祝贺所有新晋专员走马上任。
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