Indigenous Voice to Parliament Referendum Will Be Held on 14 October 2023 (“原住民之声”全民公投将于10月14日举行)

Indigenous Voice to Parliament Referendum Will Be Held on 14 October 2023 : Constitutional amendment The ‘Proposed Law’ that Australians are being asked to vote upon is set out in the Constitution Alteration Bill. If approved at the referendum, the Bill would add the following words to the Constitution: Read more…

Webinar: First-Generation PRC Migrants and Social Cohesion – Report Launch (“第一代中国大陆移民与社会凝聚力”调查报告网上发布会)

Webinar: First-Generation PRC Migrants and Social Cohesion – Report Launch The websinar is to launch a new research report authored by Professor Wanning Sun for the Australia-China Relations Institute at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS:ACRI), First-generation PRC migrants and social cohesion: Views on news about the PRC and Chinese-Australians, which Read more…

Multicultural Framework Review Seeking Submissions from the Public (“多元文化框架评估”欢迎公众提交意见)

Making multicultural Australia stronger​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ The Multicultural Framework Review (the Review) is looking at ways for government and the community to work together to support a cohesive multicultural society and advance a vibrant and prosperous future for all Australians. The Australian Government has appointed a panel of three eminent Australians to Read more…

Community Q&A Forum: Understand the Voice Referendum on 9 September 2023 (澳华社区”原住民之声”问答论坛(中英文双语)即将在博士山市政厅举行)

Join us to hear more and ask questions about the upcoming Voice Referendum – 澳华社区”原住民之声”问答论坛(中英文双语) Guest speakers: This forum is jointly organised by the Chinese Community Council of Australia, Victoria Chapter (CCCAV) and Yes23. To RSVP: 澳大利亚二十四年来第一次全民公投即将举行,是时候对此次2023年关于“原住民之声”的全民公投增进了解,以便在投票日当天投出明智和负责的一票。 定于9月9日在博士山市政厅举行澳华社区”原住民之声”问答论坛,邹慧心、Marcus Stewart (联邦有关原住民的修宪公投工作小组成员)、李健民将与大家分享他们的观点和回答大家的提问。 座位有限,请点此链接报名: 主办: 维州澳华社区委员会(CCCAV). 活动支持社团: 现场翻译: 秦潞山教授

Cancelled: Upcoming Event – Multicultural Australia for the Voice Referendum: Q&A Forum on 2 September 2023 (多元文化社区“原住民之声”问答论坛即将举行)

21/08/2023: This event has been cancelled due to the unavailability of a key speaker. “Multicultural Australia for the Voice” invites you to a Q&A Forum about the Voice for an afternoon of food and information from Indigenous leader, Noel Pearson, and constitutional lawyer, Dr Shireen Morris, facilitated by the CEO Read more…

University of Melbourne Research Group Seeking Participants in Study on Understanding Health Decision-making in Australian Chinese Families (墨尔本大学研究团队寻求参与者协助关于澳大利亚华人家庭健康决策的研究)

A research group from the University of Melbourne is currently conducting a study on understanding health decision-making in Australian Chinese families. Their research is funded by Australia’s National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC). They are seeking participants to interview as part of their research. Please register your interest via Read more…

ABC Report: Government revises Chinese translation of referendum question after community raises concerns

The government website has updated their official translation of “First Peoples” in the referendum question from “第一民族” to “原住民族” after the Chinese community raised concerns about the original translation, ABC reported on 3 August 2023. The original translation, “第一民族”, does not precisely convey the essence of the term “First Peoples” and may Read more…

A Life Changing Life: Join the Care and Support Sector (改变人生的事业:护理和援助行业正虚位以待)

The care and support sector is the fastest-growing sector in Australia right now. With the growth of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and Australia’s ageing population, there are plenty of opportunities for people looking for rewarding work that fits in with their lives. 护理与援助行业是澳大利亚增长最快的就业市场之一。如今养老护理、残障援助和退伍军人护理岗位都在招贤纳士。欢迎选择投身这一改变人生的事业。 更多信息参见: