SBS Series: Australia Explained: Assisting Migrants Settling in Australia with Practical Information on Health, Jobs, Housing & More (SBS系列: 解读澳洲: 为您的在澳生活提供健康、工作、住房、教育等方面的实用信息)

SBS Series: Australia Explained: Assisting Migrants Settling in Australia with Practical Information on Health, Jobs, Housing & More | SBS系列: 解读澳洲: 为您的在澳生活提供健康、工作、住房、教育等方面的实用信息

Monash University: Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Appropriate Use of Psychotropic Medications in People Living with Dementia and in Residential Aged Care (莫纳什大学: 关于在脑退化症患者和寄宿制老年护理机构中适当使用精神药物的临床实践准则)

Monash University: <Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Appropriate Use of Psychotropic Medications in People Living with Dementia and in Residential Aged Care – A companion guide for people living with dementia, their carers and families> 莫纳什大学: 《关于在脑退化症患者和寄宿制老年护理机构中适当使用精神药物的临床实践准则 – 为脑退化症患者、其照护者和家人提供的配套指南》

Complete Survey to Support University of Sydney Student Research on Experiences of Chinese Australians During the COVID-19 Pandemic (填写调查问卷, 支持悉尼大学学生对澳洲华人在新冠大流行期间的经历的研究)

Welcome to complete an online survey to support an University of Sydney student’s research on experiences of Chinese Australians during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please click on this link to complete the survey (takes only a few minutes): Your insights will contribute to understanding the challenges faced by Chinese-Australians and Read more…

Congratulations to the Museum Of Chinese in Australia (MOCA) on Receiving Significant Financial Support from the City of Sydney (祝贺澳洲华人博物馆(MOCA)获得悉尼市政府的重大财政支持)

Congratulations to the Museum Of Chinese in Australia (MOCA) for Receiving Significant Financial from the City of Sydney 祝贺澳洲华人博物馆(MOCA)获得悉尼市政府的重大财政支持 According to a Press Release by the Museum Of Chinese in Australia (MOCA), it has received significant financial support from the City of Sydney. The City of Sydney decided on March Read more…

Murray–Darling Basin: Australia’s Largest River System (了解墨累-达令盆地: 澳大利亚最大的河流水系)

Murray–Darling Basin: Australia’s Largest River System (了解墨累-达令盆地: 澳大利亚最大的河流水系) The Murray–Darling Basin, in the south-east of Australia, is Australia’s largest river system. The Basin is made up of multiple river catchments and takes its name from the longest of its rivers – the Murray and the Darling. The Murray–Darling Basin covers 1 million Read more…

Understanding Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C – Information on Testing, Treatment and Care (乙型肝炎、丙型肝炎指南:检测、治疗和保持健康)

Understanding Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C – Information on Testing, Treatment and Care 乙型肝炎、丙型肝炎指南:检测、治疗和保持健康 1 in 75 people in Australia are living with hepatitis B or hepatitis C, and many don’t know they have it. Without treatment, hepatitis B and hepatitis C can cause liver disease and liver cancer. Hepatitis Read more…

Book Launch: “From Crowds to Wilderness” by Zhou Xiaoping (周小平新书“从人群走向荒漠”发布会)

Book Launch: “From Crowds to Wilderness” by Zhou Xiaoping | 周小平新书“从人群走向荒漠”发布会 Welcome to attend the book launch event of “From Crowds to Wilderness” by Zhou Xiaoping, to hear him talking about his journey from China through to his deep engagement with Aboriginal communities in Australia.  Date: Sunday 21 April 2024, Read more…

Congratulations on the Successful Launch of Asian Leadership Program (祝贺“亚裔领袖计划”成功启动)

Congratulations on the Successful Launch of Asian Leadership Program | 祝贺“亚裔领袖计划”成功启动 为应对亚裔在澳大利亚政治中代表性不足的问题,澳大利亚亚裔领袖学院(Asian Leadership Institute Australia, ALIA)与莫纳什大学(Monash University)合作,推出颇具远见和开创性的“亚裔领袖计划”(Asian Leadership Program)。该项目已于2024年3月5日在维多利亚州议会大厦正式开幕,并成功开课。 详见: