Slow down to Keep Everyone Safe (减速行驶,确保安全)
Slow down to Keep Everyone Safe 减速行驶,确保安全 假期是与亲友团聚以及度假的好时机。外出时请务必安全驾驶并遵守限速。 超速会危及所有人的安全,而且你可能会因超速面临严重处罚。 警察将随处出现,以确保每个人都遵守交通规则。 为了确保大家的安全,请减速行驶。维州澳华社区委员会(CCCAV)祝您假期愉快! 有关道路安全规则的更多信息,请访问此网站: Simplified Chinese Website Link The holiday season is a great time to connect with family and friends and to take a vacation. When you go out, please drive safely and within the speed limit. Speeding puts everyone in Read more…