Slow down to Keep Everyone Safe (减速行驶,确保安全)

Slow down to Keep Everyone Safe 减速行驶,确保安全 假期是与亲友团聚以及度假的好时机。外出时请务必安全驾驶并遵守限速。 超速会危及所有人的安全,而且你可能会因超速面临严重处罚。 警察将随处出现,以确保每个人都遵守交通规则。 为了确保大家的安全,请减速行驶。维州澳华社区委员会(CCCAV)祝您假期愉快! 有关道路安全规则的更多信息,请访问此网站: Simplified Chinese Website Link The holiday season is a great time to connect with family and friends and to take a vacation. When you go out, please drive safely and within the speed limit. Speeding puts everyone in Read more…

WWII in Asia Photo and Book Exhibition in Melbourne (二战(亚洲)历史图片书籍展即将在墨尔本举行)

Welcome to visit WWII in Asia Photo and Book Exhibition. Revisit the pivotal moments of WWII in Asia, particularly in China, through a stunning collection of photographs. Remember the courage, sacrifice, and resilience of individuals and communities during that unforgettable era (1931-1945). Organised by: The Chinese Australians for Peace Association Read more…

Summer Fire Safety Reminder from the Victorian Government (夏季来临,维州政府提醒防火安全)

Summer Fire Safety Reminder from the Victorian Government 夏季来临,维州政府提醒防火安全 您每天都应该:» 关注气象情况以及官方信息来源,留意警报信息。» 如果您周边发生火灾,应立即采取行动保护您的生命安全。» 不要等到出现警报信息后才采取行动。» 遵守当地有关用火活动的规章制度。» 确保任何工业与农业活动都遵守相关指导方针。 更多中文资讯:

Women With Disabilities Australia (WWDA): The Leadership and Mentoring Toolkit Now Available (澳大利亚残障妇女组织推出“领导力和辅导工具包”)

Women With Disabilities Australia (WWDA): The Leadership and Mentoring Toolkit Now Available Women With Disabilities Australia (WWDA) has launched the WWDA LEAD (Lead, Engage, Activate, Drive) Leadership and Mentoring Toolkit, designed specifically for women and gender-diverse people with disabilities. This free resource aims to empower users by providing tips, ideas, and Read more…

First Civics Education Workshop for Chinese Australians in Victoria Successfully Held (维州华人社区首次公民教育大型讲座成功举行)

First Civics Education Workshop for Chinese Australians in Victoria Successfully Held 维州华人社区首次公民教育大型讲座成功举行 The inaugural Civics Education Workshop held at Kew Golf Club on 29 September 2024 was a huge success, attracting around 130 participants. This groundbreaking initiative, co-organized by the Chinese Community Council of Australia, Victoria Chapter (CCCAV) and the Read more…

Have Your Say: Victoria’s Container Deposit Scheme (为改进维州的空瓶回收计划发表意见)

Have Your Say: Victoria’s Container Deposit Scheme You are invited to complete a short survey to improve Victoria’s Container Deposit Scheme (CDS Vic): Respondents will have a chance to win one of four $100 gift cards. 欢迎填写一份简短问卷,为改进维州的空瓶回收计划发表意见: 请在问卷开头部分选择:Chinese Community Council of Australia (CCCA Vic) We’d love to hear your Read more…

Small Acts with a Big Impact for a Sustainable Future (细小举动,意义重大,迈向可持续未来)

Small Acts with a Big Impact for a Sustainable Future 细小举动,意义重大,迈向可持续未来 Sustainability Victoria’s latest Small Acts Make A Big Impact campaign has launched! 细小举动,意义重大,迈向可持续未来。细小的举动,例如将物品正确分类放进回收箱里,并记得随身携带可重复使用的水瓶等可重复使用品,对维州可持续发展的未来有重大意义。 更多信息请参阅:

Upcoming Seminar to Commemorate Life & Legacy of Iris Chang: 20th Anniversary (纪念张纯如女士逝世20周年座谈会)

Upcoming Seminar to Commemorate Life & Legacy of Iris Chang: 20th Anniversary 纪念张纯如女士逝世20周年座谈会 Join us for a tribute seminar honouring the life and legacy of Iris Chang (1968-2004) on the 20th anniversary of her passing. We will commemorate her inspiring courage, groundbreaking work and lasting impact on our world. Organised Read more…

Have Your Say: Chinese Community Consultation on Moorabbin’s Future (发表您的意见:关于墨尔本Moorabbin未来规划的华人社区咨询)

Moorabbin是一个非常宜居住的地区,并且有潜力变得更好。维州交通和规划部根据居民反馈制定了《Moorabbin 活动中心规划草案》,以指导 Moorabbin 在未来几十年,即现在到 2051 年,如何慢慢改变。现将于2024年9 月 9 日星期一下午 6 点至 7 点举办在线信息发布会,进一步听取社区意见。