Monash University Research Team Seeking Chinese Participants for Study on Culturally Informed Treatment for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) 蒙纳士大学科研团队寻求华人协助关于创伤后应激障碍的研究

A research team at Monash University Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health is funded by the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) to conduct a study and help develop culturally informed treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Any first-generation immigrant from China aged between 18-65, with experience Read more…

Multicultural Health Connect 1800 186 815 (打电话获取专业健康信息)

Multicultural Health Connect Healthdirect Australia has launched a new helpline – Multicultural Health Connect – the first national helpline to help people in multicultural communities get health information and advice. The helpline is free and confidential, and run by workers with multicultural backgrounds. In-language help is available by calling 1800 186 815, where callers speak Read more…

1800RESPECT: National Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Counselling, Information and Support Service (澳大利亚家庭暴力与性侵犯救助电话 1800 737 732)

1800RESPECT 是澳大利亚家庭暴力与性侵犯救助服务。 1800RESPECT 面向受害人/经历者、家人、朋友、服务人士。 他们提供电话辅导、在线辅导; 他们的网站列有信息、建议与当地服务推介选项。 你可以通过其网站、或致电 1800 737 732 获取所有这些信息与服务。

“Screen Presence 23” Chinese Australian Film Festival on Sunday 29 January 2023 (银屏华风迎新年)

“Screen Presence 23” Chinese Australian Film Festival (银屏华风迎新年) Date: Sunday January 29, 2023Venue: The Capitol theatre, 113 Swanston St, Melbourne. • 10:00AM Discussion: Screen Presence (Session 1)• 11:45AM Screening: Shanghai Express 上海快车 (1932) 82 mins (Session 2)• 2:00PM Screening: Floating Life 浮生 (1996) 95 mins (Session 3)• 4:30PM Screening: Mao’s Read more…

Seeking Chinese Participants to Provide Feedback on Victorian Healthcare Experience Survey (寻求华人参与者就“维多利亚州医疗保健服务体验(VHES)调查”提供反馈)

The Department of Health is seeking Chinese participants to provide feedback about the Victorian Healthcare Experience Survey. Participants will be provided with a $60 gift card for their time (one hour). Please express your interest here: Thank you for your support. 维多利亚州卫生部寻求华人参与者就“维多利亚州医疗保健服务体验(VHES)调查“提供反馈,以改进服务。参与者将获得$60的礼品卷作为报酬(时间约1小时)。 有意者请点击: 感谢您的支持。 About the Project After people Read more…