We are pleased to see that CCCAV is mentioned in the list of organisations for contributing to the Victoria vaccination program in a state wide celebration “Vaccine Ambassador Summit” this afternoon.
Community News
Summer Fire Safety Reminder from the Victorian Government (夏季来临,维州政府提醒防火安全)
Summer Fire Safety Reminder from the Victorian Government 夏季来临,维州政府提醒防火安全 您每天都应该:» 关注气象情况以及官方信息来源,留意警报信息。» 如果您周边发生火灾,应立即采取行动保护您的生命安全。» 不要等到出现警报信息后才采取行动。» 遵守当地有关用火活动的规章制度。» 确保任何工业与农业活动都遵守相关指导方针。 更多中文资讯:https://www.cfa.vic.gov.au/plan-prepare/fire-safety-in-other-languages/mandarin