



“澳大利亞的國際地位將受到影響,我們還可能會面臨違反聯合國消除一切形式種族歧視公約( ICERD )的風險。”

黃博士還說明了修改該法對經濟的嚴重影響, “諸如國際學生、外貿、旅遊、商業及技術移民,貨物服務出口以及吸引傑出人才等各各方面都存在著巨大的隱患,更何況由此引起的就業流失。”

在2009至2010年間發生的一系列襲擊事件後,印度學生人數下降了46 %。這就是一個值得引以為鑑的例子。學生流失給澳大利亞造成了約十七億元的財政收入損失。 2010年時,印度學生聯合會聲明, “種族攻擊是學生流失背後的主要原因之一。 ”




[email protected]
Human Rights Policy Branch Attorney General’s Department 3-5 National Circuit BARTON ACT 2600

信件不需要詞彙嚴謹,可以只是一個手寫的便條,最重要的是能夠表達你個人的關注。如果你英文有限,信件可以用中文寫作。如果你不知道信件內容該怎麼寫,最簡單的方法就是登錄到我們的網站cccavic.org.au下載說明。在這個特殊的時刻,我們懇請你,用最有效的合法方式將你的聲音傳達給政府。 ”


Chinese Community Council of Australia, Victorian Chapter (CCCAV) strongly opposes the Federal government’s proposed amendment to the Racial Discrimination Act.

Dr. Anne Pang, the Acting President of CCCAV said “there are four main areas of concern in the amendments, namely Australia’s international standing, economic ramifications, legal inconsistencies and social disorder.”

“Policies that support diversity, equality of all peoples and democracy have become civic values that shape the Australian identity.”

“Changing the Act at the risk of immeasurable negative impact and allowing episodes of racism and bigotry to prevail in the name of freedom of speech is not justified.”

The proposed changes open doors for racial insults and Australia’s international standing will be undermined to the extent where there is the risk of potentially breaching obligations under the UN International Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD).

After a number of race related incidents in 2009 towards Indian international students, there was a 46% drop in the number of Indian students. This translates into almost $1.7 billion loss of revenue.

Dr Anne Pang said “increasing in race related incidents and offences can negatively impact our economy through loss in the number of international students, foreign trade, tourism, business and skilled migration, export of goods and services and the loss of human talents, not to mention the associated job losses for us Australians.”
On the legal front, the amendments purport to protect freedom of speech, yet there are a number of other laws governing defamation, blasphemy, copyright, obscenity, incitement, official secrecy, contempt of court and of Parliament, censorship and sedition which also affect this freedom. All of these laws recognise that some things are more important than freedom of speech.
If “freedom of speech” is the argument, should all abovementioned legislations that restrict “freedom of speech” be appealed? Why is ONLY the anti-racism act being amended in the name of freedom of speech?

The Federal Government must come clean on the real reasons for only repealing the Race Discrimination Act. The community certainly does NOT support the amendments.

CCCAV is a peak advocacy body and represents over thirty Chinese community groups.

Categories: News