Upcoming Seminar to Commemorate Life & Legacy of Iris Chang: 20th Anniversary (纪念张纯如女士逝世20周年座谈会)

Upcoming Seminar to Commemorate Life & Legacy of Iris Chang: 20th Anniversary 纪念张纯如女士逝世20周年座谈会 Join us for a tribute seminar honouring the life and legacy of Iris Chang (1968-2004) on the 20th anniversary of her passing. We will commemorate her inspiring courage, groundbreaking work and lasting impact on our world. Organised Read more…

Have Your Say: Chinese Community Consultation on Moorabbin’s Future (发表您的意见:关于墨尔本Moorabbin未来规划的华人社区咨询)

Moorabbin是一个非常宜居住的地区,并且有潜力变得更好。维州交通和规划部根据居民反馈制定了《Moorabbin 活动中心规划草案》,以指导 Moorabbin 在未来几十年,即现在到 2051 年,如何慢慢改变。现将于2024年9 月 9 日星期一下午 6 点至 7 点举办在线信息发布会,进一步听取社区意见。

Congratulations to 2024 Australian Museum Eureka Prizes Winners and Finalists with Chinese Heritage (祝贺2024澳大利亚博物馆尤里卡奖的华裔获奖者和入围者)

Congratulations to 2024 Australian Museum Eureka Prizes Winners and Finalists with Chinese Heritage 祝贺2024澳大利亚博物馆尤里卡奖的华裔获奖者和入围者 The Australian Museum Eureka Prizes are the country’s most comprehensive national science awards, honouring excellence across the areas of research & innovation, leadership, science engagement, and school science. 澳大利亚博物馆尤里卡奖是澳大利亚最全面的国家科学奖项,表彰在研究与创新、领导力、科学参与和学校科学等领域取得卓越成就的个人或团队。 Ref:

Information about Australian Government’s Veteran Employment Program (澳大利亚政府退伍军人就业计划的信息)

Information about Australian Government’s Veteran Employment Program 澳大利亚政府退伍军人就业计划的信息 The Veteran Employment Program (VEP) demonstrates the importance the Government places on the skills, values and experience veterans bring to the civilian workplace. The VEP improves support for veterans as they move from the ADF to civilian employment, whether they want to Read more…