SBS Interview: The Second Chinese Australian Youth Leadership Program to Launch on 31 August (“第二届华裔青年领袖计划”即将拉开帷幕)

SBS recently interviewed Program Director Mr Gen Li to talk about the Second Chinese Australian Youth Leadership Program, which will be launched on 31 August 2022 in Melbourne.



ABC Article on Asian Leadership: Family Influence Crucial for Breaking the Bamboo Ceiling (ABC报道:“亚裔领导力:为什么家庭是冲破竹子天花板的第一关?”)

ABC has published an article highlighting the crucial role of family influence and early childhood experience on the leadership development and breaking the bamboo ceiling to reach higher leadership positions in the corporate and public sector. Two interviewees in the article were the participants of the first Chinese Australian Youth Read more…

Chinese Australian Youth Leadership Program (2022年华裔青年领袖计划) Opens for Applications

Chinese Australian Youth Leadership Program (2022) is now open for applications. To apply: The program, funded by Victorian Government and organised by CCCAV, has a focus on community leadership, empowerment and advocacy for positive change. 18-35 y.o. young people with Chinese heritage living in Victoria are welcome to apply. Read more…

Some People Can Get Medicine When They Have COVID-19 (有些人在感染新冠后可以得到治疗新冠的药物)

Some people can get medicine when they have COVID-19.These medicines are also called ‘early therapies’ or ‘antivirals’.They stop people from getting so sick that they need to go to hospital.Medicines do not replace vaccination. Getting vaccinated is the best way to protect yourselffrom COVID-19. Please ask your doctor. 有些人在感染新冠后可以得到治疗新冠的药物。这些药物也被称为“早期治疗”或“抗病毒”药物。这些药物可以用来防止人们感染新冠后因病情非常严重而需住院治疗。药物不能取代疫苗。接种疫苗是保护您自己免受新冠感染的最佳方法。请询问您的医生。