The Chinese community in Australia is saying the days of being a migrant community with no public profile are numbered. It is no Chinese whisper.
’Building the Chinese Australian Voice’ is the first priority for breaking their invisibility in Australian sovereign developments and globalisation. Breaking this stereotype of the Chinese community is part of the first step for transforming the Chinese community in Australia.
Metaphorically, the community transformation is like the long marches in their history journeys in Australia and China. Unlike the past, the Chinese Australian community’s new journey will be one that leverages informed knowledge, strategic collaborations, and technology to redevelop itself , including improving its capacity to contribute to Australia’s globalisation in a new Asian Century world.
With Victoria taking the lead, Chinese Australians are taking this social transformation seriously and they are more so resolved to act now. Chinese leaders from all over Australia are coming together in the second national Chinese Community Council of Australia (CCCA) conference, to be held in Melbourne (300 Flinders Street) on the 18th – 19th August. The conference is a first precedent in supporting its non-English speaking attendees with real-time translation into Cantonese and Mandarin.
Supporting this important Chinese community’s milestone event, the Federal Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Sen. Hon. Kate Lundy is opening the Conference and the Federal Minister for Trade, Hon Craig Emerson is addressing the Conference Dinner.
In the first 2011 national conference in Sydney, the community reflected on its own settlement history in Australia and migrant journeys to understand what they need to do to change. The second 2012 conference represents the ‘moment of truth’ for the Chinese community – they now see and acknowledge the barriers that caused their invisibility in Australian public affairs. Now, they are committed to change and become a highly effective and contributing community to Australia’s developments and globalisation. A key strategic driver for change is using collaboration to break the Chinese Diaspora and to build a sustainable public voice for Chinese Australians in Australia and abroad.
Attend the conference to share insights into their journey stories and their resolve. Be part of this social cause movement and get involved to help shape Australia’s Asian Century future at a local level.
在維州華人社區的帶領下,澳洲華人決定立即行動,認真促成這一社會變革。來自澳洲全國各地的華人社區領導們共濟一堂,參加8月18至8月19日於墨爾本市舉行(Flinders St, 300號)的澳華社區議會第二次全國會議。這次會議將提供廣東話和普通話同聲傳譯服務,在澳洲境內首開先例,對英語有限的與會者提供最大支持。
為支持這一在華人社區歷史上具有里程碑意義的活動,聯邦多元文化事務部長,參議員凱特•倫迪(Sen. Hon. Kate Lundy) 將專程赴會向嘉賓致開幕辭,聯邦貿易部長克雷格艾默生議員(Hon. Craig Emerson) 也將特意由昆士蘭趕來,於會議晚宴中發表致詞。
在2011年於悉尼舉辦的首次全國會議上,華人社區通過回顧我們在澳洲的移民歷程及定居歷史,充分了解如何才能夠改變現狀。 2012年的第二次全國會議則是為華人社區“揭示真像的時刻”。我們正視並承認造成華人在澳洲公共事務領域為人忽視這一現狀的重重障礙。而現在,我們正致力於將華人社區打造成一個高效並對國家發展及參與全球化進程做出卓越貢獻的社區。達成此變化的關鍵戰略動因就是打破澳洲華人不夠團結的現狀,為澳洲華人在公共事務領域中建立一個無論是在境內還是海外都能持續而一致的聲音。
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