Macquarie University Researchers Seeking Assistance from Chinese-speaking Caregivers of People with Dementia
The SOLACE (Social Isolation, Loneliness, and Cultural Experiences) Project
Researchers at Macquarie University are currently exploring the cultural and psychological factors that may cause and maintain social isolation and loneliness among Chinese-speaking caregivers of people with dementia in Australia. We would like to invite Mandarin- or Cantonese-speaking caregivers aged 18 years and over, live with the person with dementia, have provided care for at least six months, with feeling of socially isolated and/or lonely to participate in a one-on-one interview and sharing their experiences of social isolation, loneliness and being a caregiver. Your research participation benefits the community by helping us to understand social isolation and loneliness in Chinese-speaking caregivers of people with dementia and inform the development of support and/or treatments for this group.
Please see the attached study flyer. If you can assist with this research, please visit:
SOLACE计划: 华语脑退化症(Dementia)照顾者(carer)的社交孤立与孤独感研究
脑退化症患者的照顾者可能会经历社交孤立和孤独感。位于雪梨的麦考瑞大学 (Macquarie University) 长者心理研究小组目前正在研究可能导致这些问题的文化因素和心理因素,特别针对澳大利亚的华语照顾者。我们诚挚邀请年满18 岁或以上,与脑退化症患者同居住在家里,已提供至少六个月的照顾,在家说广东话或普通话,有感受到社交孤立或孤独感的照顾者参与我们的一对一访谈。访谈将以面对面、视讯会议或电话的形式进行。面对面访谈会在麦考瑞大学校园或在您的住处进行, 且仅适用于悉尼居民。其他州的参与者可以选择通过电话或视频会议接受采访。您的参与会帮助我们深入了解华语脑退化症照顾者所面临的社交孤立和孤独感挑战,并为这个特殊群体设计更贴心的支援和介入措施。