THE kids, says Hong Lim, are doing fine. They have degrees, professions, and lots are driving a Mercedes. Life’s good.
But the state Labor MP says there is something missing in this success story for a growing middle class of Chinese Australians: they don’t have a say in the national conversation.
“There is no voice, no effective body at the national level, for Chinese Australians,” says Mr Lim, the sole Asian in State Parliament. ”This is not right. Because of the sheer numbers, the sheer wealth, the sheer brain power they have, they should have something more.”
Instead, he says, Australia’s oldest ethnic minority is largely invisible in Australian politics, under-represented in leadership positions, and mute in national debates.
Mr Lim, originally from Cambodia, is among a group of Chinese Australians, clustered around the Chinese Community Council of Australia, trying to give a voice to a growing part of the Australian population.
Ideas emerging from the council challenge the stereotype of a politically passive community. They insist Australia confronts its history of anti-Chinese racism and educate its children about it. They question why Asian faces are absent from our TV screens. They challenge political parties – and the Chinese community itself – to deal with the lack of ethnic Chinese MPs. And while they say it’s time the Chinese had a voice, they admit the diversity of the community prevents any one group from claiming to represent it.
In the 2006 census, more than 700,000 Australians – almost 4 per cent of the population – traced a Chinese ancestor. Some 380,000 residents were born in China, making them the third-largest overseas-born group after Britons and New Zealanders.
Chinese language speakers are the second-largest language group after English. Yet these numbers are not reflected in public life, says Chek Ling, a convenor of the Chinese Community Council of Australia.
“Apart from Penny Wong, the Finance Minister, there’s hardly anyone you can recognise,” he says. “They are not on TV, not public intellectuals, or human rights or social justice activists. There are none in the judiciary.”
“We are seen as very good as surgeons, accountants, doctors, but there seems to be a sort of gatekeeping at a cultural level, so the Chinese are not able to have a voice.” Jen Tsen Kwok, who is writing a PhD on Chinese Australian engagement in politics, cautions against any assumption of a homogenous Chinese community.
Instead, there are diverse communities made of different strands: descendants of 19th century migrants who survived the White Australia policy; students from Malaysia and Singapore who came in the late 1950s and 1960s; refugees from Indochina in the late 1970s; and the surge of migrants from Hong Kong, Taiwan and China from the late 1980s.
“There are not many ethnic groups like the Chinese who come from so many diverse source nations and have such diverse experiences, so to try to construct a single narrative around political engagement is very difficult,” Mr Kwok says.
There are also historical factors inhibiting their political engagement. War and revolution in China over the past century had a “blanketing effect on the desire to engage politically”. Many Chinese from south-east Asia had also experienced discrimination, which made them reluctant to engage in politics.
There is also Australia’s history of racism and the White Australia Policy, introduced largely to keep Chinese out.
Ethnic Chinese aspiring to elected office also face resistance from political parties. In some cases their ethnicity works against them, Mr Kwok says. They are seen as outsiders, while in New South Wales they are regarded primarily as sources of funds.
Anthony Pun, national president of the community council, says Labor and the Liberals in NSW have seen Chinese candidates as “Asian cash cows”.
The Sunday AGE Tom Hyland – January 15, 2012
但是,作为州议员的林美丰同时指出:在澳洲华人逐渐成长为中产阶级的成功故事背后,有某些东西缺失了 – 华人在澳缺乏话语权。
林先生是维多利亚州唯一的亚裔议员,他说:在澳洲政界,华人们少有“声音”,更没有一个能代表华人的全国性团体;这是不对的 — 以华人的数目之众,财富之多,聪明才智,他们应该得到更多。
林先生是一名柬埔寨华人,他组织当地华人团体,组成“澳华社区议会”(Chinese Community Council of Australia),试图使在澳洲不断增长的华人们在政界有自己的发言权。
中文是在英文之后的第二大语言。但正如澳华社区议会召集人,Chek Ling所说,这些数字并不能反映澳洲当地的公共生活。他说:除了澳洲金融部长黄英贤(Penny Wong),在电视上,公共知识分子圈内,人权或司法活动家群体里,你很难再看到华人的参与。我们甚至没有华人的法官。
正在撰写有关澳洲华人从政问题博士论文的Jen Tsen Kowk在慎重考虑了有关华族同源的假定后说:华人中有很好的外科医师、会计、医生,但却可能因为文化问题,华人很少在政治界出现。
工党的李润辉Francis Lee就曾遭遇过这样的经历。他在州议会和悉尼市议员预选落选后便不再抱幻想。在他最后一次参加预选时,党领袖曾问他可以为政党筹得多少钱,最后他输给一个具有更大资金实力的自由党转投工党的党员。政党只对钱有兴趣, 而不是候选人的天资和能力。
维州自由党前参议员陈之杉表示,他看见亚洲人面孔在地方政府不断增多的积极迹象;州长百鲁 (Ted Baillieu) 和反对党领袖安德鲁斯(Daniel Andrews)在华人社区都委任了特别顾问。他说对于很多刚移民澳洲的人来说,政治并不是他们的首要需求;而在种族偏见方面,一些澳洲人永远都不会投华人或穆斯林一票,尽管他本人从政期间没有遇到这样的问题。
2012年1月15 日 The AGE 报Tom Hyland (汤姆∙海兰)
“Media Treatment of Chinese Australians a Useful Study in ‘Social Cohesion’ Debate” – by Wanning Sun
“Media Treatment of Chinese Australians a Useful Study in ‘Social Cohesion’ Debate” by Wanning Sun 8 May 2024 Links to this article: