Even the smallest change can make a big impact when it comes to creating a sustainable future. It might be improving how you recycle, avoiding single-use plastics or reducing food going to waste. Discover 5 simple things that you could do to make a difference. Then choose the one small act that is right for you and start doing it today!

  1. Check what goes into your bins on your council website
  2. Remember to take your reusable water bottle when you leave home
  3. Plan weekday dinners and reduce food waste
  4. Take used batteries to a drop-off point for recycling
  5. Remove food and liquids from your recycling


  1. 浏览所处市政府网站,了解各类垃圾桶具体可投入的垃圾类别
  2. 出门时记得携带可重复使用的水瓶
  3. 提前规划好每周的晚餐,避免浪费食物
  4. 用完的电池应送到相应的回收点
  5. 避免将食物和液体留在回收物品中





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