Macquarie University Researchers Seeking Assistance from Chinese-speaking Caregivers of People with Dementia (麦考瑞大学研究人员寻求讲中文的脑退化症患者的照顾者的协助)

Macquarie University Researchers Seeking Assistance from Chinese-speaking Caregivers of People with Dementia The SOLACE (Social Isolation, Loneliness, and Cultural Experiences) Project Researchers at Macquarie University are currently exploring the cultural and psychological factors that may cause and maintain social isolation and loneliness among Chinese-speaking caregivers of people with dementia in Read more…

Upcoming Civics Education Workshop in February 2025 (欢迎参加即将于2025年2月举行的公民教育讲座)

Civics Education Workshop for Chinese Australians Join us in learning how Australian democracy works, how to participate in Australia’s democratic process and how to identify misinformation and disinformation. Co-organised by CCCAV (The Chinese Community Council of Australia, Victoria Chapter) and CPCA (Chinese Professionals Club of Australia). This workshop is a Read more…

Upcoming Community Forum “Celebration of Harmony, Promotion of Peace” (欢迎参加”庆和谐、促和平“社区论坛)

Upcoming Community Forum “Celebration of Harmony, Promotion of Peace” Welcome to join us in a Community Forum for Celebration of Harmony and Promotion of Peace. Light refreshments will be provided and seats are limited, please RSVP: Keynote speakers: Yuki Tanaka was a research professor at the Hiroshima Peace Institute, Read more…