A Life Changing Life: Join the Care and Support Sector (改变人生的事业:护理和援助行业正虚位以待)
The care and support sector is the fastest-growing sector in Australia right now. With the growth of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and Australia’s ageing population, there are plenty of opportunities for people looking for rewarding work that fits in with their lives. 护理与援助行业是澳大利亚增长最快的就业市场之一。如今养老护理、残障援助和退伍军人护理岗位都在招贤纳士。欢迎选择投身这一改变人生的事业。 更多信息参见: https://www.careandsupportjobs.gov.au/resources/translated-resources/chinese-simplified