- Acc Name: Chinese Australians for Peace Association Inc.
- BSB: 033065; Acc No: 597646 (Bank: Westpac)
- Please add note: Peace Statue donation Your NAME

English version: https://cccav.org.au/seeking-community-support-to-establish-a-chinese-peace-statue-in-melbourne/
二战和日军侵华是一段惨痛的历史。为了铭记历史、维护世界永久和平,纪念二战中遭受日军凌辱、受尽苦难的中国 、 朝鲜半岛及东南亚地区的所有亚洲和欧裔女性 ,以及为纪念反法西斯战争胜利80周年(2025年),澳洲华人和平协会正在筹建墨尔本中国和平铜像。衷心感谢各界民间人士、社团和企业的大力支持。目前已收到或认捐的捐款(除注明外,均为澳元):
- 张盈盈教授(张纯如母亲): US$1000.
- 维州华人社区委员会(CCCAV): $2000.
- Dr Jimmy Li: $2000.
- Anonymous-1: $1000 + RMB1000.
- Ms Sarah Piao: $2000.
- Ms Lisa Wang: RMB5000.
- Anonymous-2: $800.
- Ms May Hu OAM JP: $500.
- Mr David Huang: $200.
- Mr Jianzhong Li: $100.
- Mrs Say Kapsis (South Australia): $100.
- Friends of “Comfort Women” in Melbourne (FCWM): $1000.
- Mr and Mrs Chun Je Cho & Hye Ja Choi: $1000.
- Mrs Kang Yi Marinis, Mr Young Marinis: $1000.
- Dr Chris Chen: $1000.
- Ms Diana Lin: $500.
- Ms Kang Yi Youn: $300.
- Professor Binquan Yan: $200.
- Ms Susie Song: $200.
- Chinese Association of Monash (CAM): $100.
- Ms Minzhen Shang: RMB500.
- Mr Liang Dou: $50.
- Mr Evan Freidin: $200.
- Ms Bofeng Wu: $200.
- Ms Meihua Gao: $200.
- Mr Yan Ma: $200.
- Mr Rongfu Xie: $200.
- Mrs Say Kapsis (South Australia): $400.
- Anonymous-3: $500.
- Mr Xiaozhong Wang: $200.
- Mr Yong Shi: US$288.85.
- Dan Feng Chao Yang Dance Group: $100.
- Chinese Association of Monash (CAM): $817.
- Mr Gavin Choong: $100.
- Jimmy Li: $100.
- Wei Xiong: $100.
- Alex Li: $100.
- Steve Lu: $10.
- Li Zhang: $500.
- Victor Huang: $100.
- Sarah Piao: $100.
- Keshao Yin: $50.
- TaoFang Qiu: $100.
- Anonymous-4: $10.
- Jian Chen: $100.
- Anonymous-5: $10.
- Anonymous-6: $30.
- Anonymous-7: $100.
- Jun Fu: $100.
- ZhengLiang Wang: $1000.
- Yuqing Feng: $100.
- Anonymous-8: $20.
- Naiyu Wang: $100.
- Anonymous-9: $5.
- Michelle Lee: $100.
- Anonymous-10: $5.
- Anonymous-11: $60.
- Mr. Nanking 0001: $19.37.
- Mr. Nanking 0002: $12.13.
- Mr. Nanking 0003: $10.
- Mr. Nanking 0004: $10.
- Mr. Nanking 0005: $10.
- Mr. Nanking 0006: $5.
- Mr. Nanking 0007: $10.
- Miss. Nanking 0008: $10.
- Mr. Nanking 0009: $10.
- Mr. Nanking 0010: $10.
- Mr. Nanking 0011: $10.
- Tina Jiang: $20.
- Jing Pan: $20.
- Anne Ye: $50.
- Xiaolei Wang: $100.
- Lei Wang: $100.
- Yazhi Wang: $100.
- Anonymous-12: $20.
- Fengchun Ma: $30.
- Dandan Catering Equipment: $100.
- Tiankuo Cui: $35.
- Changhong Xue: $200.
- Hong Mei Feng: $100.
- Anonymous-13: $100.
- Xiaoge Su: $20.
- Women Support Inc: $2000.
- Xiaolei Wang: $1000.
- Aylen Ko: $100.
- Zee Cheng Khor Moral Uplifting Society: $200.
- Jing Qi: $200.
- Sophia Sun: $500.
- Women Support Inc: $900.
- Friends of “Comfort Women” in Melbourne (FCWM): $1000.
- Women Support Inc: $1300.
- Anonymous: $1250.
- Women Support Inc: $1800.
- Jia Hu: $200.
- Mrs Say Kapsis (South Australia): $500.
- Xiaolei Wang: $2000.
- Women Support Inc: $534.62.
- Women Support Inc: $900.
- Asian Australian Volunteers: $217.42.
- Asian Australian Volunteers: $145.16.
- Asian Australian Volunteers: $217.92.
- Asian Australian Volunteers: $211.65.
- Women Support Inc: $700.

主办单位: Chinese Australians for Peace Association Inc. | 澳洲华人和平协会
- 维州华人社区委员会(CCCAV)
- Friends of “Comfort Women” in Melbourne Inc.
- Women Support Inc.
- Fair Go South Australia Inc.
- 澳华联盟(CAA)
- 澳中青年领袖联合会(ACYPI – The Australia-China Young Professionals Initiative)
- Asian Multicultural Organisation Inc.
- 云登亚洲商会(Asian Business Association of Wyndham Inc.)
- 丹凤朝阳舞团(Dan Feng Chao Yang Dance Group)
墨尔本中国和平铜像筹委会: (欢迎加盟)
- 李健民博士(联系人)
- 薛长鸿先生
- 宋雨檀博士
- 秦潞山教授
- 祁静博士
- Mr Tae Woo Kim (Chairman of Friends of “Comfort Women” in Melbourne Inc.)
- Ms Kang Yi Youn (Vice President of Korean Society of Victoria)
- 陈东军女士
- 陈杨国生荣誉研究员
- Mr Chun Je Cho (Advisor of Friends of “Comfort Women” in Melbourne Inc.)
- 严斌全教授
- 胡玫女士 OAM JP
- 孙妍芳女士
- Mr Gavin Choong (钟颖华先生)
- Ms Judy Gao (Board Chair & CEO, The Australia-China Young Professionals Initiative)
- Remembering History: “The Atrocities of the Nanjing Massacre and the ‘Comfort Women’ System” Screening Event Held in Melbourne (《南京大屠杀与“慰安妇”制度的暴行》观影会在墨尔本举行): https://cccav.org.au/remembering-history-the-atrocities-of-the-nanjing-massacre-and-the-comfort-women-system-screening-event-held-in-melbourne/; 大澳网: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/0pCgQWohBCC5fUZWXrvkFw
- The Nanjing Massacre & “Comfort Women” System (南京大屠杀与“慰安妇”制度): https://www.trybooking.com/1238673
- “今日澳洲”的报道(2024年3月13日): https://mel.aichixiu.com/content-1024512153866015?lang=zh-CN
- GoFundMe Donation Link Set Up for Melbourne Chinese Statue of Peace: https://cccav.org.au/gofundme-donation-link-set-up-for-melbourne-chinese-statue-of-peace/
- 参加龙年元宵节游园会,推广澳洲中国和平铜像项目: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/AqfUb2w7PAo
- Seeking Community Support to Establish a Chinese Peace Statue in Melbourne: https://cccav.org.au/seeking-community-support-to-establish-a-chinese-peace-statue-in-melbourne/
- 寻求社区支持,筹建澳洲中国和平铜像: https://sydney.jinriaozhou.com/content-1024507747396007
- 澳洲中国和平铜像项目启动会在墨尔本成功举行: https://cccav.org.au/successful-launch-of-australia-chinese-peace-statue-project-in-melbourne/; 大澳网报道: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/uayqOmJZEVIWxCCuHvun4A; AU123报道: https://www.au123.com/static/content/AZ/HS/2024-01-31/1202195739854782464.html;
- Launch of Melbourne Chinese Peace Statue Project (墨尔本中国和平铜像启动说明会): https://www.trybooking.com/COBDG
- 墨尔本中国和平铜像项目介绍: https://cccav.org.au/melbourne-chinese-peace-statue-project/
- “The Judgment of the Tokyo Women’s Tribunal” (The Women’s International War Crimes Tribunal for the Trial of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery): https://www5.austlii.edu.au/au/journals/AltLawJl/2003/74.html
- United Nations Report on the “Comfort Women” Issue: https://www.awf.or.jp/pdf/h0004.pdf
- 关于“慰安妇”悲惨遭遇的介绍 (The Bird that Dreamed of Flying: A “Comfort Women” Story): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Fx2_mC0DZNA
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comfort_women;
- What Oakleigh and Seoul now have in common: https://www.smh.com.au/world/asia/what-oakleigh-and-seoul-now-have-in-common-20191127-p53eop.html
- Statues Placed in South Korea Honor ‘Comfort Women’ Enslaved for Japan’s Troops: https://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/29/world/asia/south-korea-statues-honor-wartime-comfort-women-japan.html
- CAPA Mini Library: https://cccav.org.au/capa-mini-library/
- “The Statue of Peace in Berlin: How the Nationalist Reading of Japan’s Wartime ‘Comfort Women’ Backfired” by Dorothea Mladenova, The Asia-Pacific Journal, Volume 20, Issue 4, Number 1. February 15, 2022. https://apjjf.org/2022/4/mladenova
Chinese Australians for Peace Association Inc. | 澳洲华人和平协会