Night | Date | Route | Distance |
1 | 6 May | Robe to Clay Wells & Lake Hawdon Rd | 20km |
2 | 7 May | Kangaroo Inn Area School | 30km |
3 | 8 May | Calectasia Conservation Park | 30km |
4 | 9 May | Penola | 27km |
5 | 10 May | Tooloy Nature Conservation Reserve | 32km |
6 | 11 May | Casterton | 30km |
7 | 12 May | Coleraine | 31km |
8 | 13 May | Hamilton | 35km |
9 | 14 May | Dunkeld | 33km |
10 | 15 May | Wickliffe | 34km |
11 | 16 May | Streatham | 35km |
12 | 17 May | Skipton | 24km |
13 | 18 May | Linton | 20km |
14 | 19 May | Smythesdale | 15km |
15 | 20 May | Ballarat | 20km |
16 | 21 May | Ballan | 35km |
17 | 22 May | Bacchus Marsh | 25km |
18 | 23 May | Hillside | 30km |
19 | 24 May | Sunshine West | 20km |
20 | 25 May | Parliament of Victoria | 15km |

Summary Talk by Kim Wen

The amazing journey of over 18,600 Chinese who left China, landed at Robe and walked more than 500 kms to the Victorian goldfields between 1857 and 1863.

Anyone who has visited the beautiful town of Robe visits the Chinese monument and the Robe Museum, that has a number of Chinese artefacts and documents of important interest
来到了美丽的罗布港湾,大家都会参观中国的纪念碑和罗布港博物馆,博物馆有一些当年抵达港口华裔文物和重要的文件,当天我和管内一位年过八旬的看馆志愿者谈到我们重走淘金路活動 ,她非常激动地为我讲诉了她对我们推车历史的浓厚兴趣,以及长达十几年的之久的研究。

For example: at the Museum, there is a original Chinese Wheelbarrow with a wooden wheel as show my 1st slide

On the way to Penola from Robe there is a long road will be walking along named “Chinamans Lane” per records dating back to the 1850’s. We even know that the names of vegetable farmers of that land were called Ah Pin, Ah Sin and Ah Tin.
在Penola到罗布港的路上,我们还特意停在Chinamans Lane, 据史料追溯到1850年代, 我们甚至可以查到那地的蔬菜农户的名字叫阿普,阿辛和阿天!

From Robe to Penola we will be travelling along Clay Wells road that is near the site of one of significant wells dug by the Chinese travellers for freshwater, and we will follow a route that brings us into contact with these wells.
从Robe到Penola,我们将沿着Clay Wells路行驶,这条路靠近中国华裔在淘金途中,为喝到淡水,挖掘的重要水井的位置之一,我们将沿着这一条水井的路线走下去。

Along the way we will see the impact of the Chinese on the region
For example Chinese Market Gardens
Along the routes from South Australia to central Victoria gold fields, market garden were established to feed such large numbers of people, Chinese set up many Market Gardens along the routes, in towns including Penola, Casterton, Coleraine, Cavendish, Dunkeld, and finally Ballarat, ,Those market gardens provided not just enough very important green vegetables to Chinese but also provided locals in particular with necessary nutrition for their families.
一路上,我们可以看到中国淘金者对不同地区的影响, 沿着从南澳大利亚到维多利亚中部黄金地段的路线,可以看到很多的蔬菜农场,中国早期的淘金者在淘金路线建立了不少蔬菜农场,养活很多淘金者,沿着,包括Penola,Casterton,Coleraine,Cavendish,Dunkeld和最后Ballarat ,这些花园市场不仅仅为中国人提供了非常重要的绿色蔬菜,而且还帮助当地人家庭饮食增添和提供必要的营养。

Coleraine had a Chinese Grocery Shop selling vegetables growing at local market gardens

Even in the 1850’s Hamilton was a large thriving town and at first the Chinese used it as a stop-over, but apparently after a short time they actually diverted their route to Cavendish. The reason for this was in part due to a fear of authority because Hamilton had a high police presence but also a fear that they might be charged with misdemeanours then be required to serve time as labourers to repay their court debts and penalties and therefore cause a delay in their arrival at the gold fields.

In the town of Cavendish there is a special Plaque commemorating Chinese early settlers the Hong Sip family who resided there until the 1920’s and ran large market gardens in the Cavendish area. In face a bridge in the area is called the Hong Sip bridge.

The original settlement was known as Linton’s Diggings late 1854 (or just Linton’s) in a hilly area about two kilometres north of the present town.
The Chinese of Linton came with the gold rush. in October 1855 that there were 1000 Chinese at the ‘wire fence’ at Linton’s northern boundary
As early as 1856, Wet Flat, in amongst the gullies where the first gold discoveries were made, was being called Chinaman’s Flat. It appears to have remained an area where Chinese miners concentrated their efforts and established a settlement, and is still called Chinaman Flat on contemporary maps of the district. There was a big Chinese store, run by Sin Kee and Wong Chung’s which also was a gold buying business. A history of Linton quotes James Wong Chung’s granddaughter, Mrs Mabel Young Chung, remembering that, ‘there were great blocks of gold, we played with it. I would run sovereigns between my fingers, but twice in six months he was robbed by bushrangers and went broke’.
On the way to Ballarat we pass through Scarsdale that has a large Chinese Cemetery
在林鼎镇以北约两公里的一个山丘地区,记载了大约在1854年后期,最初的淘金者定居的记录, 被称为“林鼎淘金记录”,(或者仅仅是“林鼎录“) 。林鼎录记载在1855年10月,大约有1000名中国人随着淘金热在林鼎Linton的北边界“铁丝网“出现了!早在1856年,,其中的第一个发现黄金的沟渠湿地,被称为“中国人公寓”。这个地方似乎是当时中国矿工集中精力和建立定居点的地区,很早以前在当地的老地图上就被称为中国人公寓。当地有一个大的中国商店,由Sin Kee和Wong Chung经营的黄金买卖业务。林鼎录记载的历史引用了詹姆斯·黄春的孙女,中国淘金者的后代记忆,我记得“我们小时候,用手指抓着大块黄金玩。但在短短六个月内我们被山贼抢了俩次了,破产了。” 在去巴拉瑞特的路上,我们经过Scarsdale斯卡斯代尔, 也可以看到不少中国人当年遗留下来的公墓。

The re-enactment walk from Robe is important to Chinese Australians and Australian Chinese because it helps us to understand why we are where we are as a community and country. The Walk will remind us that the indomitable will our ancestors to improve their standard living and help make Australia a better place to live. For the past 160 years this goal has not changed. We recent immigrants still need to work hard and have a strong commitment to contribute our country’s continuing development